Day 17- Sidekick

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Golden Heart marches into her hideout -a large underground cave just beyond the outskirts of Domino City. Her mask may cover her eyes, but it does not hide the snarled curve of her mouth and her angry aura. Her cape, tattered and torn from battle, flutters behind her. Her golden hair bounces every time she takes a step. When she reaches a large meeting table, she lets out an angry howl and throws the nearest chair into the wall. A shorter person meekly walks into the cave behind her. He stops and watches Golden Heart's tantrum with his hands clasped in front of himself and his shoulders hunched.

"Damn him," Golden Heart spits out. "That miserable, self-righteous, disgusting, vile, lowlife!"

The man behind her cringes. "W-we still stopped him this time, boss," he says in encouragement.

"This time was too close. This time he nearly destroyed the city! This time he hit us where it hurt!" She takes off her mask and turns to face the man. Her eyes are a mix of anger and fear. "He said my name, Yugi."

Yugi stays quiet. Anzu Mazaki, also known as the hero Golden Heart, paces the room. Yugi takes off his own mask and watches as Anzu scans the cave again with her multi-purpose wristwatch. A green blanket of light sweeps the room before a voice speaks:

"No foreign or suspicious packaging detected. No technological error, tampering, or malfunction."

Anzu lets out a frustrated groan. She runs a hand through her hair -gone brown now that she is not using her power- and tugs roughly at it.

"I don't understand," she whispers.

"This shouldn't have happened," Yugi mumbles. "We've always been careful. P-perfect, even!"

"He knows who we are." Anzu sounds more serious and determined than Yugi's ever heard her. "Somehow, someway, he found out. Who knows how long he's known. Damn him. He may have even traced us through someone close to us."

Yugi is silent. He watches as Anzu continues to pace before she turns to the computer and tries to find any ties between their friends and the supervillain, The Shadow.


"You've made her paranoid."

The Shadow turns. He looks so out of place in this bedroom filled with toys and warmth. His long black cape swiftly turns with him, barely touching the floor. Yugi wonders from his seat on the bed how he can make something so simple look so graceful. The Shadow grins.

"We've made her paranoid."

"She believes one of our friends secretly works for you. She doubts everyone." He sighs when The Shadow brings a gloved hand to the side of his face and strokes it. He has half a mind to think that he should be feeling some kind of fear right now. Anger, disgust, contempt. Instead, he leans into the hand with calm certainty. The Shadow seems pleased by this. "I think you really broke her this time. She doesn't trust anyone."

With the hand that's not stroking his face, The Shadow brings down his hood and fully reveals the pleasure in his eyes. "Except you."

"She's got no reason not to."

"Of course." He hums. "Why wouldn't she trust her loyal sidekick?"

"The same reason you trust your loyal henchman, Yami."

Yugi tilts his head when Yami comes in for a kiss. It's a soft one, but they both feel more content than ever when they pull away.

"Vile little thing, aren't you?" Yami says with a grin of adoration.

"Funny, that's what she called you."

"Is it?" Yami leans closer. "Why don't you tell me more, Yugi? As my loyal henchman, you'll tell me everything, won't you?"

Yami loves the evil glint that shines in Yugi's eyes, loves the beginning of a grin that's forming on his lips.

"Of course, Sir."

SUPES BABEY!!!! (I love writing superhero stuff, can you tell?)

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