Up and at 'em

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I stretched and checked my watch.


I had slept in. Again. Courtney wouldn't be too happy. We were supposed to be going somewhere for lunch. I forced myself into a sitting position and yawned. I was still tired. Wasn't my fault she had kept me up till three in the morning watching The Kardashians. Jeez, you'd think a gal like her would have a more sensible taste in TV.

I ruffled my hand quickly through the little miserable fluff of hair that fell in my face. I kicked off the sheets and swung my legs around. In my half asleep state, I over shot my aim and ended up kicking the dresser. Wincing, I pushed myself up and off the bed.

Briiiiinnnnggggg. Yep, that was probably her. Briiiinnnnggggg. I shook my head, ignoring the phone,and quickly changed, trying not to look in the mirror at my exhausted appearance. Oh well, why would Courtney care? She had been my girlfriend for a while. She would understand. Right?

Not if I was late.

The phone stopped ringing, I was glad. I needed to get moving.

I ran outside to my old truck, not bothering to grab a jacket. It was cold. November's always cold. I shoved my hands into my pockets, reaching for my car keys.

Crap. I had left them inside. On the table. And I had locked the door behind me. Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. I smacked my head on the steering wheel, shivering. I pulled my phone out of the inside of my jacket and with shaking fingers dialed Courtney.

I hated to do this to her, but it was either she come get me, or I freeze. I'm sure she wouldn't want a frozen Duncan. Of course... if I was frozen, she wouldn't have to listen to me rage about stuff. Maybe she wouldn't mind a frozen me.

Please pick up and save me. The phone sang and ringed for what seemed like an eternity. Finally it cut off with an annoyingly loud beep.

An electronic voice told me sweetly: "You have reached my messages! I'm probably busy or maybe I'm just ignoring you. Either way, leave me a nice message and maybe I'll get back to you when I feel like it!" I glowered at the screen.

Courtney, why?! I pressed her name again, listening impatiently to the ringing. Come on, pick up!

"Hello?" Oh thank God. She answered.

"Duncan? Is that you?" she inquired. She sounded kinda worried, but mostly impatient.

"Y-ye-yeah, it's m-me," my teeth were chattering.

"Why are you stammering? And why are you late?" I sighed, not surprised that that would be the first...well... fifth... thing she asked.

"Stuck in the tr-truck. Locked my-myself out. I l-left the k-keys on the t-t-table. I-I was h-hoping you could c-c-c-come pick me up-p?" I shuddered again and drew my knees up to my chest. I watched in a sort of daze as a single snowflake flouted down.

"Uhg, Dun, why do you always get yourself in these sort of situations?" her voice lacked an edge. She felt sorry for me. Good. That meant I would get mercy.

"I'm coming, fast as I can. Promise." I nodded gratefully, not realizing she couldn't see me.

"Ah, Dun..." I heard her mumble sweetly before she hung up. She lived at least ten miles away. It would be fifteen minutes or more till she got here. I'd be frozen. An ice cube. Perfect. This was just the best way to start my day ever wasn't it....

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