Date Night...I mean day

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  I was fully thawed and prepared by the time we arrived. Courtney had chosen a small corner coffee shop. She said that they had good doughnuts here. And coffee. Last I checked, doughnuts and coffee were breakfast foods. Oh well, I wasn't complaining. She found a parking space quickly and opened her door. 

She reached for the entrance door. I grabbed her arm before she could and pulled her to the side for a second.

"Hey Court. I never thanked you for saving me from becoming a human ice cube," I told her sincerely. She grinned.

"Well, you wouldn't be much fun if you were frozen, now would you be?" I shook my head and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. She smiled lovingly up at me, I beamed back.

"Come on, I didn't have breakfast. I'm starving." She nodded and went back to the door, again holding it open for me.  I smiled yet again and went in, dragging my girlfriend with me.

In case you don't know me, I am not normally a happy guy. When I'm alone, or with friends, I don't often smile. I'll smirk, tease and threaten. Not smile, like a normal human. What? I was a juvenile delinquent. And pretty proud of it.

But, whether to my pleasure or unwillingness, whenever I was with Courtney, I was normally smiling. I couldn't help it.  Sometimes that irked me, not being able to be really unhappy. Which seems weird, I guess. Being happy with being unhappy, and vice versa. But that was just me.  

She took my arm and led me up to the counter. We stood there for a minute, looking for what we wanted. We had only been standing there for maybe a minute when a snarky voice hissed at us from the counter.

"You're holding up the line. Hurry up, I don't have all day!" the lady at the counter was talking. I took a quick check behind us. There was no line.

"I'm sorry. We'll try to hurry." Courtney was being polite, like she always tried to be. I could tell this wasn't going to go well when the barista chick put her hands on her hips and shot back;

"Well look, I'm not running a slug shop and I have better stuff to be doing." My girlfriend stuck out her jaw and gritted her teeth. I glared at the lady.

"We have stuff we could be doing too," I began, trying my hardest to be a decent customer. "But we chose to come here. You're wasting time we could be deciding. If you don't want to lose some customers, and wanna keep all your teeth, I suggest you shut up," I snarled through a too sweet smile.

The lady snapped her mouth shut and crossed her arms, tapping her foot. I'm good at shutting people up. Threats are fun.

Courtney could see that the women had made me mad. She could tell I was fuming. I could break something, or someone, when someone made me angry. She hustled up the order.

"Uh, can I have a...Cappuccino? Chocolate? And black coffee for him," she jerked her thumb back at me, where I sulked against the wall. The lady went to pour my coffee and put it on the counter. She glared at Courtney.

"All out of cappuccino, sorry," she wasn't sorry, I could tell. At least she was sorta trying now. Courtney sighed.

"Frappe?" The lady shook her head. Courtney checked her watch.

"Fine. Frappuccino. And I don't care whether you have it or not. Make it happen. We gotta go." my girlfriend snapped. I guess she had had enough of this smartmouth chick. So had I. Taken by surprise, the barista turned and grudgingly started on Court's coffee.

A bit later she shoved the drinks across the counter and I paid quickly. She took my arm and we left hastily. We decided next time maybe we would just binge watch Total Drama. We didn't need people like the coffee lady bothering us.

We arrived to Courtney's house to hang out shortly after. She unlocked the door and opened it.

"Courtney?!" a surprised, but happy, voice shrieked. Courtney winced.recognizing the voice. I peered around her and soon after shrank back.

Oh no. Trixsy. Courtney's little, annoying, devil cousin. 

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