Why I can't Babysit Part Two

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Courtney stared at me with wide eyes.

"You don't know where she is?" she said for about the billionth time. I shook my head.

"I went to grab her something to watch from you cupboard, and when I came back she was just gone! I was out of the room for no more than five seconds! She couldn't have gotten that far right?" I asked. Silence.

"RIGHT!?!?!" I demanded. If we couldn't find the kid, that would not help my bad rap. Not that I cared if my reputation got worse. I might actually enjoy that. But seriously, I didn't want the kid to go missing. I knew her parents. They would probably quite literally kill me.

"She's a child, Dun. She may have short legs, but she's smart and she's fast. Who knows where she went!" she said quietly. I gritted my teeth and rolled my eyes.

"That's reassuring. You are SO good at making me feel better. Come on, let's go look for her, before she really gets to far," I grumbled, going back to the door and grabbing my keys. Courtney didn't move, her arm poised to grab her jacket, a worried expression on her face.

I turned halfway.

"What?" I inquired. She bit her cheek.

"Well, it's just, if she's in the house somewhere, or close by, if we leave she'll just demolish the house. If you went to search, and I stayed here to check around the house, just to be safe?" she asked quietly. I frowned.

"Well, yeah. I guess. If you want..." I said slowly. Today had been one heck of a bad day. To put it nicely. I really wanted to spend more quality time with my girlfriend. Was that really too much to ask?!

Courtney gave me a small smile.

"Thanks, now go get 'em, buster. We have ourselves a little cousin to find," she told me softly, giving me a quick shove. I gave her a slight grin.

"All right, but I'll have to take your car, ya know," I reminded her. She nodded.

"Yeah, that's fine. Now quit wasting time, go on, Dun!" 


I drove up and down Courtney's block at least three times, the window open. Even couple of yards I would shout loudly Trixsy's name. I even went down the little tight-spaced allies that were branched off the street.

Twice I parked Court's car and got out, pacing and yelling.

Finally it was when I actually parked in someone's yard that someone noticed my existence.

I wandered around their yard, into the ally behind the house, calling the highly annoying little devil's name.

"Trixsy, if you're around here somewhere and not coming out, I swear..." I shouted at the top of my lungs, spinning in slow circles.

I didn't even know the chick was there till she jabbed me in the shoulder with her sharp fingernails.

"Excuse me, but what are you doing here? In my yard? Without permission?" she cooed in my ear. I jumped about ten feet and screamed.

The lady giggled.

"You scream like a girl. I remember someone else who screamed like a girl," she sighed. I froze. I recognized that voice. Slowly, hesitantly I turned around. I grimaced and slapped my face.

"Sierra?!" I gasped. Oh no. The odds. The pink haired freak who had been madly in love with one of my friends. Well, he was a friend and a cousin. Still. And worse than that she had been on the reality show I had participated in. She was awful. Worse than awful.

I thought Cody and I and everyone else had finally gotten rid of her for good. And come to find out she lives a block away from my girlfriend. Wasn't life just peachy.

"Hey wait a second! DUNCAN?! OH MY GOSH IT'S YOU! Have you seen Codykins recently? Does he miss me? DOES HE HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?! DID HE ABANDON ME?!" she screamed in my ear. I pursed my lips.

"Not exactly.... Urm... well... He doesn't miss you. He still has that restraining order.." I began. I didn't really want to explain to her that he still had nightmares about her. Sierra stuck her bottom lip out and it began to quiver.

"B-b-but I MISS HIMMMMMMM!" she wailed, clinging to my shirt. I frowned down at her and shoved her away. She waved her arms around trying to keep her balance but ended up epicly face planting into the grass. I couldn't help but laugh.

I turned to leave, and began walking away.

"WAIT DUNCANNNNNNN!" I heard Sierra scream. I kept walking. I heard her heavy footsteps behind me. I began to jog. She followed faster. I slowed again and sighed. Might as well see what she wanted.

She caught up and grabbed my shoulder, wheezing already. This gal ever think of going to the gym? She wasn't exactly over weight, just out of shape.

"Duncan, are you busy tomorrow? Free for supper?" I stared at her in shock. Was she asking me out? Most definitely. Ew. Plus everyone knew that Courtney and I were together. So she was stupid AND highly annoying. And a bunch of other things I don't feel like saying.

"No. I'm going out with Courtney. For multiple reasons. Two being, One,Court's my girlfriend. And two. I hate you and so does everyone in the world," I told her bluntly. Her eyes widened.

"Even Codykins?!" she whimpered. I narrowed my eyes.

"Especially Cody," I hissed through my teeth. Why couldn't she just let it go? Why was she so completely in love with the guy.I shrugged her off. "Look, I have a child to find. Leave me alone."

I stalked off to the car and pulled out quickly. I was hardly out of the yard when my phone began to buzz. I answered it and resumed my search.

"Y'ello?" I answered.

"Hey Dun. You can come home. I found the little squirt-face. She was hiding in the closet. As soon as you get back we'll take her home, kay?" It was Courtney. Thank God. So I wouldn't be questioned and I'd be able to scream at the child myself.

"Yeah, okay. See ya soon, babe," I told her.

"See you soon! Love you!" she replied. She hung up before I could reply. I sighed and sped up, quickly passing the block and turning a corner. I pulled into Court's driveway and went inside.

Courtney was waiting for me at the door, an extremely angry Trixsy beside her.

"Come on," she cooed to me. "Lets get rid of the kid and finish our date." 

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