Welcome To The Academy

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Anna POV:
  I stumble my way through the thick crowd of people dragging a large, black duffel bag with my name inscribed in the side behind me. It was my first day at Tueur de Vampire and I don't want to make my officers angry by being late.

  This place wasn't really an actual school, it was a secret underground academy that most didn't know about.

  The place it is held in is a hot tourist attraction which is why they can get away with having so many people gathered around it. I'm amazed how they've been able to keep it secret for so long but I guess in these desperate times anything is possible.

  I made my way towards the palace like building receiving shocked and displeased glances from the other students. Of course a lot of them would recognize me being a Fallon. All Fallon's have the signature blue eyes, brunette hair, and, as some call it, a resting bitch face. As it stands though, I am the only one in the family with green eyes but from afar you couldn't tell.

  Finally I had reached the wooden doors at the entrance and was more or less greeted by two guards in dark navy colored police uniforms.

  "Hi." I huff out to them tired from the weight of my bag. "Anna Hummel." The one to the right of me looks me up and down as if he is shocked by my appearance. I clasp my hands together as my nerves start getting to me.

  He gazes down at a clipboard in his hands flipping through the pages till he stops and stares. He peers up at me underneath sunglasses and nods giving me the green light to go in. I nod back to thank him and pull at the long handle. It makes a loud creaking sound as it opens echoing through the halls inside.

  Stepping in, the guard closes the door quickly behind me hoping to not have let in any "unwelcome" guests, I guess we wouldn't know till people start dropping dead because of the vampires immaculate speed. They're practically invisible to the human eye.

  The building was once owned by a Lord in the 1700's but after the family had been assassinated in 1878 it was turned into a mental hospital. That is until they were shut down for unsafe practices. Few years later it was turned into a high security prison but, at the time, no one was aware vampires existed and they came here to feed off the prison guards and inmates. The guards thought it was ghosts and abandon their positions in fear.

  The abandonment meant the prisoners either died in their cells or escaped but it was too long ago for them to be alive now. It became a big tourist attraction later believed to be haunted.

  When you first step in, after hearing all the stories, you'd think there would be cells or thrown hospital beds to the side but there wasn't any trace of it's history. The room I stood in was merely a large empty room with grand stairs to my left and two doors straight ahead of me.

  "Please step into the weigh camber, Miss. Hummel." A voice echoed from across the large dimly lit room where a woman stood between a metal door and a wooden one. I had already been told about the expectations of the school and knew what she meant by weigh camber. They have to make sure you're in top physical condition before you start training though, with my background, I assume everything will go as planned.

  I walk towards her as my shoes make a weird thumping sound against the marble floor. She gestured to a metal bin beside the industrial looking door to put all my belongings in. I wasn't keen on letting my stuff go but if I wanted to walk in my father's footsteps I had to comply.

After dropping off my duffel bag and everything in my pockets I step into the chamber. The door begins to close itself with a 'shhh' noise.

  "Please take off any clothing items and accessories." I jump at the sudden voice in the room. "You may set them on the bench off the weigh floor."

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