《O N E》

16 1 2

"All this fuss about sleeping together. For physical pleasure I'd sooner go to my dentists any day." I say to Lyrole. "Yet I believe that at one point, even a platonic friendship, has an element of attraction. And that type of attraction does not have to be physical, it could be in anything. To answer your question, I believe a guy and a girl can become friends, but not without going through some thoughts of 'what if'..."

With a roll of the eyes, "Yeah, sex alone isn't all that. It's the intoxication with our brain's self produced drug, LOVE." Hands cuped next to his face. "With that special someone.... Just, yesss. But, bro. Seriously."

I shake my head. "Your impossible."

"No," he looks offended. "You, are impossible. How can you not see the connection that you and her have."

"I do see it. It's just about timing. Her and I missed ours and I'm alright with that."

"Damn, man. That's deep." 

"Thanks, and I don't mean to cut this conversation short but we are running late."

"Oh shit! She is going to be pissed." 


The back of my head throbs to the beat of my heart. "God, I know we were late but she didn't need to hit us," Lyrole whispers to me rubbing his head.

"True. Ya' gotta realize she did all this," I wave my arm around me, "and we were late."

He nudged me, "All this for you." 

Lyrole caught a glimpse of some of his friends in the crowd and left me where I stood.

A sweet melody drifted through the busy atmosphere as I weaved my way through the small crowd to a snack table. Grabbing myself a plate of food, I looked around. A few friend's friends were present chatting around. A football game playing on the TV screen was surrounded by a few people cheering. Red cups littered the table.  Balloons floated here and there. 

Sipping my drink, Caitlix walking out from the crowd towards me. "I'm sorry." She gently touches the back of my head.

I brush her hand off. "It's alright. We were late."

"It was because of Lyrole." She frowns. "He's always late." 

I smile, "We were talking and time went away."

She leans against the table as I was. "What were you guy so caught up in?"

"Love." I finish my plate. "Lyrole doesn't believe that a girl and guy can be best friends."

"We are best friends." I scout for a trash bin and find one next to the TV.

"Yeah, I was trying to explain to him that opposite genders can be best friends. If sexual attraction is the only counter argument, what if they were both gay? How is it a problem then?" I walk towards the trash bin.

"What if one was an ace?" She chimes in.

I didn't think of that. "That's right!" I throw away my plate. "Thanks for the party by the way."

She beams a great big smile. "It was no problem. I was sad you weren't throwing a party, so I had to do it myself."

"You invited a lot of people I don't really know." I comment walking to the bean bag chairs next to the wall.

She follows behind, almost jumping back into the bean bag. "I didn't originally. I asked Rubuardo, who asked if Silvecca could come. It just kind of went on and on. Some even asked if I invited so-and-so. Of course I had to invite them then."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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