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a stretch of shallow water

All this time, I don't remember ever seeing the boy eat. So before I left today I made him a basket of goodies. Hopefully he will enjoy it.

Left. Three miles straight. Right. Beach, and to his spot, ah- there he is.

I sat down next to him. The Weather was perfect today. Pink hair, pastel blue sneakers, and a new suit of clothes.

"Do you talk?" I asked looking at him, no reply. No response at all. "Should I assume its a no?" I asked he just smirked.

"Well, I brought you this-" I sat the basket in front of him, he made eye contact with it and looked back at the water. "I'm Namjoon, Kim Namjoon." He smiled, not smirked, he smiled. 

"Can I assume that you will be here tomorrow?" I asked, he nodded. Finally some type of response.

I stayed I looked out at the water. Like the boy was, "Do you do this often?" I asked, a nod.


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