Chapter 1: Obi-Wan Kenobi

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A/N: I don't own anything or any character, except for my character, Amra Scythe.

~22 BBY~ 
"What is thy bidding, my master?" I asked as I bowed before Darth Sidious.

I had returned to the hidden palace of Darth Sidious. A faint smile appeared on his face. "Ah young Scythe, you have returned from your mission. I take it you succeeded?"

I nodded. "They will not resist us anymore, Master. They have agreed to become part of the Trade Federation."

"Excellent! Now I have another mission for you. The Viceroy Gunray wishes for a certain someone to be terminated." He explained. "Her name is Padmé Amidala, Senator of Naboo. She is currently on Coruscant under the protection of the Jedi. There is already a bounty hunter by the name Jango Fett. If he cannot see the mission through then finish it for him. She cannot be alive."

"It shall be done, master." I replied before standing.
Once I landed on Coruscant, I searched for the bounty hunter named Jango Fett. I found a bounty hunter with blue and gray gear on a walkway of one of the buildings. A green and yellow speeder parked along the walkway before a woman got out and approached the bounty hunter. I threw down my cloak as I approached them.

"Are you Jango Fett?" I questioned.

"Who are you?" The bounty hunter asked.

"I'm Amra Scythe. I was sent by your client to make sure you get the job done. Now are you Jango Fett or not?" I demanded, getting irritated.

Jango muttered something underneath his breath but nodded. "Yes, I am Jango."

I then glanced over at the woman. "And who is she?"

"Zam Wessel, an assassin. She's an old friend." Jango informed me.

"And who are you?" Zam asked as she raised an eyebrow.

I narrowed my eyes as I placed a hand around my lightsaber. Before I could say anything, Jango spoke. "I'd be very careful, Zam. She's Amra Scythe, one of the dangerous Sith Ladies."

So he has heard of me...that's quite interesting, and not to mention rather useful. Zam immediately apologized. "Sorry about that...I had no idea, Lady Amra."

"It's quite alright, Zam. I've been in hiding for years, so I don't expect many people to know me just yet. But next time I won't be as merciful." I warned. "Understood?"

Once Zam nodded with a slightly fearful look, I clasped my hands. "Good. Now what's the status with the senator?"

"I hit the ship but they used a decoy." Zam explained.

"We'll have to try something more subtle this time, Zam. My client is getting very impatient." Jango informed her. "Here, take these."

He then gave her a tube filled with something deadly inside before warning her. "Be careful, they're very poisonous. Zam, there can be no mistakes this time."

"If there is, then I have orders to take this matter into my own hands." I chimed in.

"Good to know." Zam commented before walking off.

Jango and I then split up, hiding from plain sight. I went into the Uscru District while Jango went somewhere else. It wasn't long until we heard from Zam through the transmitter. "The Jedi...they're coming after me."

"How many?" I inquired.

"Two..." She replied.

"Well get rid of them. We can't have them catching up to you." I ordered.

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