Chapter 2: The Plan

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Once I returned to the ship, I turned on the hologram transmitter to contact Sidious. I held my breath until a hologram of him appeared before me. He looked very impatient. I gulped. He's not going to like this...

"Has it been done yet?" He asked.

"No...the bounty hunter's acquaintance failed. She still lives and is currently with the Jedi scum." I informed him.

He wore a stern look. "This isn't good, Amra."

"What shall I do next, master?" I inquired.

"Clean up this mess. I don't care how it's done. Just kill her!" Sidious demanded.

I bowed. "It shall be done at once, master."

The hologram diminished. I turned towards one of my compartments on the ship. I then brought out my droid, 7-M8K. He's was programmed to be just like a holodroid and to have to same capabilities of a surgical droid in case I was wounded on a mission.

"Hello Mistress!" He greeted me. "What can I do for you?"

I looked out in the distance as I tried to think of something to finish the mission. A wide grin then appeared on my face as I thought of something.

"I'm going to need you to disguise yourself as someone for me." I ordered.

"And who will I be?" 7-M inquired.

"You will pretend to be an extra guard from Naboo. I've got it all figured out. All you need to do is find the senator's apartment here on Coruscant." I explained.

Another compartment of my ship opened, revealing my other droid I made from scratch CMG-8, a LEP servant droid. It didn't have a cowardly personality like the other LEP servant droids. I took extra care of that.

"What about me, Mistress?" CMG inquired.

"You will remain with me. I must create a hologram using the holographic disguise matrix." I informed them. "You'll help me to recreate the background of the Naboo Royal Palace."

CMG nodded. "Understood Mistress."

I grinned. "Excellent. Let's begin right away then, shall we?"

It wasn't long until I had everything ready to go. I made myself look like the current Queen of Naboo which was Queen Jamillia with the background looking exactly like the royal chambers of the Theed Palace.

"Everyone remain quiet." I ordered before turning on the transmission.

It wasn't long until the senator picked up. I faked a smile. "Senator Amidala, it's good to see you doing well. Is everything alright?"

Amidala seemed to take the bait as she responded without hesitation. "Yes, I must confess I'm a bit shaken up but I'm better now."

"Has something happened?" I inquired.

"Someone tried to kill me again. However the Jedi saved me before harm could come to me." She explained.

I clenched my fists, controlling my anger. "How fortunate...Well I wanted to let you know I'm sending you another guard."

She raised an eyebrow. "Another? And just one?"

CMG gave me a nervous look, but I gave him a reassuring look before continuing. "This guard is one of the best. He's new but he is will equipped for the job. I trust you'll welcome him when he gets to Coruscant."

She wore a skeptical look but nevertheless agreed. "I'll see to it that he arrives at my apartment."

"Excellent! I only wish for your safety, senator." I assured her. "So forgive me if I come across as being to insistent on this matter."

Amidala bowed. "Do not worry, your majesty, I appreciate your concern. Besides one cannot have enough protection, can they?"

"Take good care, senator." I said before ending the transmission.

"Well, that ended well." CMG commented.

I then turned to 7-M. "Get ready to disguise yourself as a Naboo Royal Guard. Find the senator's apartment, but wait until morning to approach them. Remember to gather as much intel on where they will be going...after tonight I have a feeling they will not remain in Coruscant. But most importantly try not to get caught, so do not draw too much attention on yourself, understood?"

7-M nodded. "Yes Mistress!"

"Good. Very good."

I then heard a beep, coming from my ship. No doubt I was receiving a transmission.

"Alright, I trust you know what to do. Now do what must be done." I demanded.

Once 7-M left, I turned on the transmission which revealed a hologram of Sidious. I bowed before him. "You wish to speak to me, Master?"

"Has the mess been cleaned yet?" He inquired.

"No, not yet. I do have a plan though. This time there will be no mistakes." I assured him.

"Excellent, just what I need to hear." He replied with a sinister smile.

"I shall inform you once it has been successful." I informed him.

"Very well. I'll be waiting." He said before ending the transmission.

I then released a sigh. I hope this works...

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