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jack rolled over in his bed, the sun shining brightly in his eyes, waking him from his deep sleep. the moment jack fell asleep last night he was positive he would sleep the rest of the day away. and he did which worried the boys who all were down stairs making noise and chattering about tour most likely.

a knock on jack and daniel's door brought him out of his slumber, it likely was daniel wanting a change of clothes. jack groans getting out of the soft bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

instead of daniel standing in the hallway it was zach, who held a plate of waffles and eggs in his hand.

"thought you might be hungry," zach hands jack the plate, a soft smile on his lips. "and i came to apologize for being a dick yesterday. i just don't like seeing one of my best friends upset." he smiles at jack, his eyes staring at the ground.

jack sets the plate on his night stand, "i should be the one apologizing. i just really don't wanna talk about it. if that's okay." jack softly says attempting to look zach in the eyes.

"it's okay. but when you're ready i'm here."

jack sends him a weak smile, knowing he'd never tell zach what had been keeping him up at night. he couldn't tell zach.

zach leaves the room heading back downstairs. jack doesn't follow, closing his door.

another knock sounded on his door minutes later. jack groans rolling his eyes as he opened the door.

"nope you're not staying in here all day again." jonah says, grabbing jack's arm. jack doesn't put up a fight, too tired to shake jonah off.

"finally came out of our room," daniel says walking past jack up the stairs likely to grab a change of clothes considering jack had locked him out of their shared room all night.

zach quickly turns his head noticing jack indeed was out of his room, a big smile on his lips as he stared at jack.

"can i at least go back up and grab my food?" jack whines. jonah rolls his eyes running back up the stairs to grab jack's breakfast he still hasn't touched yet.

"come sit with me, bud." zach smiles widely at jack patting the seat next to him. jack happily obliged, sliding into the seat next to zach.

jack without asking, takes a bite of zach's waffle, not wanting to wait for jonah any longer, who seemed to be taking his good ass time.

"hey!" zach swats his hand away from his food, glaring playfully at jack, who grinned widely, reaching for zach's plate again. "get your own." zach moves his plate away from jack.

"jachary is on the rise!" corbyn yells from the living room, his mouth full of food his words slightly muffled.

finally jonah arrived with jack's plate, one of his waffles missing. jonah finishes chewing it, sheepishly sending jack a smile.

"jonah!" jack yells throwing a piece of zach's waffle at him. it misses jonah instead hitting daniel, who had just entered the kitchen, a change of clothes on.

"children calm down!" corbyn yells laughter in between his words, his phone recording the ordeal.

"jonah ate my waffle."

"i got hit with a waffle for no reason."

"i did not eat your waffle!"

jonah, jack and daniel all said in sync all three talking about different things.

zach sat beside jack, his face burning from the howls of laughter leaving his lips. he liked seeing jack happy, for the last couple days jack could hardly creak a smile. today was different, even though his chest did slightly ache, he couldn't help but smile and allow himself to laugh.

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