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the drive to sydnie's was slower than usual, it normally only took two hours to get to sydnie's apartment but today it took jack longer, his thoughts else where, making him miss the turn into town.

the 1975 softly played from the speakers in the car, jack softly humming the lyrics to fallingforyou.

finally after three hours of driving jack made it to sydnie's apartment, parking the car in front of sydnie's semi brand new car, which she got as a graduation present when she first moved out to california for college.

jack pulls out his phone sending a text to sydnie to let her know he had made it here safely.

jack was quickly engulfed in the warm embrace of his elder sister's, moments after he knocked on the door to her apartment.

"i missed you, jack," she says pulling out of the hug. she invites him inside, jack walking straight to the couch and face planting into the cushions. sydnie rolls her eyes, laughing at her younger sibling. "what are you doing here?" she says sitting in the chair in front of him.

jack looks up, groaning. "what i can't come spend time with my sister?" he questions. sydnie raises an eyebrow at him sensing he was trying his best to avoid the reason he had come. "fine i needed to get away for a few days." he finally admits, not telling her the full truth.

sydnie looks at jack her lips pursed, "that's not all is it?"

a groan leaves jack's lips his head buried into a pillow on the couch.

"you know me too well." he pushes himself up, laying back on the couch and facing sydnie.

sydnie stands up, walking to the kitchen, grabbing to bottles of waters from the fridge. she walks back and hands jack one, sitting beside him on the couch, her legs crossed as her body turned to face him.

"so what's up bro?" she questions her elbow resting on the back of the couch and her chin in the palm of her hand.

jack lets out a breath. "please don't hate me when i tell you this." jack twiddles with the rings on his finger, not daring to look at sydnie as he spoke.

"i'd never hate you, you're my brother, my family." she says pulling jack in for a hug. jack lets out a cry he didn't know he was holding back, hot tears falling down his cheeks.

"i...i think i might like guys." jack whispers his voice almost inaudible, but sydnie heard him loud and clear a smile spreading across her lips as she pulled her brother in for a another hug.

"it's okay jack," she tells him rubbing his back. she pulls away wiping the tears from his cheeks, sydnie was crying herself upset jack would ever think she would hate him. she never could hate her brother. "i love you no matter who you want to love or are attracted to. it doesn't change the jack i know or the brother i've seen grow up. you're still my little bro." her voice was shaking as she stared at jack, happy for her brother.

"i love you too, sydnie." his cries finally subsiding. he was happy his sister accepted him, even if he already knew she would, it made his heart clench tears of joy threatening to spill from his eyes.

sydnie then asks the daunting question jack was doing his best to avoid answering.

"so any special someone you like?"

jack taking a gulp of his water nearly choking. sydnie laughs loudly, looking at her brother with a raised eyebrow.

"so there must be a special someone." she smirks slyly.

jack clears his throat, coughing. "there is but i know he definitely doesn't like me and it never would work out anyway." he gives a sad smile, messing with the cap on the bottle.

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