The painful truth

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The pain...pain...PAin...PAIN was all I felt for weeks or months I don't know anymore... Everything they put me through I would "adapt" to it. My body was learning. Starvation. I learned how to store energy and food in my body then I could use it later. My left eye keep helping me and improving. In the woods the eye gave me a full scale map on the entire forest. And it gave me my body status. My heart rate blood pressure then it will tell how much longer I can last without water or food. Then after things like survival test was the... other... ones.

They strapped be back down to a table and put a cloth in my mouth to muffle my screams from the pain... They wanted to test my regeneration "powers"... They started sawing at my left leg. They cut through my leg even my bone... I wanted to let out a scream as loud as I could. I could feel the warm tear rolling down my cheek. Then my eye started beeping. In the corner of my eye it showed a body with its left leg gone. It said " starting regeneration process" I could feel things coming out of my leg. The doctors jumped back. And stared in horror. I looked down and saw the things I think muscles where grabbing for the lower leg that was cut. I was confused as HELL!! WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT IS HAPPENING!! I soon felt my leg connect to the upper thigh. "Regeneration complete" Once my leg was healed I kicked the doctor that was closest. I tried breaking out of the straps but the doctors held me down. They shot something in my arm and I soon blacked out.

"please tell me how everything's going" " perfect. Soon you will be able to meet her again." "Angel honey. Daddy's coming to get his perfect NEW daughter..."

When I woke up I was in the room they said was mine. I looked down at my leg and saw the scar of what had happened. I stood up and looked around. Most of it was the sane from the last time. Except there was a letter on the dresser. It said 'To my dearest Angel.' I looked it over and it said that they knew where my dad and the rest of my family was. I was.. I-I.. I don't know what to say. I wanted to see everyone again but.. What.. What did they look like.. What was their personality like... What did they voice sound like.. I started messing the robo eye. This thing really did become useful. But.. then.. how will they react to... t-to ME?? WINGS DIFFERENT HAIR A HALO PALER NEW EYE!!!!!!!!! My family and friends would never accept me for t-t-the MONSTER I HAVE BECOME. FOR THE MONSTER I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN..... They would hate me.... I! Hate me... I could feel the tears rolling down my face.... I-I... don't know what I want to do anymore..... Then someone walked in.. My eyes wided as I realized who the fuck this was... "D-d-d dad?" "Hello sweetheart. How have you been? Did you miss me? Do you wanna go home?" " I don't know.." He got closer and squeezed my cheeks where it hurt and he said " What ever life you had back then. Is gone. Your mom sister and silhouette... Is gone they HATE YOU NOW!! LOOK AT YOU WHO WOULD LOVE A MONSTER LIKE YOU!!! CAUSE I SURE AS HELL DONT!! I JUST WANNA SELL YOU TO MAKE MORE KIDS LIKE YOU AND SELL THEM OFF FOR MONEY!! THATS YOUR EXISTENCE NOW YOU LIL MONSTROUS BITCH!!!" He said as he throw me off the bed. I started bleeding. I just laid there thinking over everything he said... I started crying again. I curled into a ball and started sobbing.. I don't know why it just hurt. Knowing that this us where I'll stay... The only place I know...

It's almost the end my angel....

Your almost ready my angel

Midnight: I still love you my angel.

Remember I'm your only friend.

Angel don't be scared.

Midnight please don't ever leave me..

Angel I promise that this will be over soon. Don't give up. Okay. Stay alive for now. Then I'll come back and do a favor for you. That's what friends do? Right? Angel?

Angel and how she became midnightWhere stories live. Discover now