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Hehe like my editing...

I'm an awful human being so yea, 2 more chapters left lets fucking go my dudes

Pete drove back to his abandoned house, the exterior crumbling all the way down to the beams keeping the house standing... still.

He couldn't stand to live in the woods anymore so he went and visited the old, run-down building. Maybe it was still inhabitable.

Even though they only lived there for a few weeks, it still brings back old memories of him and Patrick. Together and happy.

Although, looking back, he know realizes that he was the only one that was happy. Even though Patrick wasn't happy, he still put up with Pete. No matter how annoying and impulsive he got, Patrick still loved him.

How could I be so selfish? Pete thought to himself, the wave of guilt over coming him.

He opened the front door, the inside bare and completely run down. The floors stained with blood and probably some animal's piss. The walls with cracks and other questionable stains on them. The whole place smells like death... not that that's surprising.

Pete enters what was the living room and shuts the door behind him.

He walks the empty and destroyed halls. The wallpaper fading and torn off.

He reaches an unfamiliar door on his left at the end of the hall. Curious, he opens the mysterious door and is met with complete darkness. He feels around for a light switch on the inside of the door but doesn't feel a thing. He tries on the other side, no light switch.

He reaches out into the darkness. Thinking maybe he can feel what is inside this mysterious door.

He feels nothing so he decides to reach a bit farther. This is a very deep—

Before Pete can finish his thought, he steps forward but his foot meeting no surface to step on. He trips into the darkness and falls for what seems like forever until he is met with his body hitting the ground. The impact making him black out and go unconscious.


Pete wakes up from his black out. He goes to sit up and see what the hell happened but is soon met with excruciating pain radiating throughout his entire body.

His head felt ten times worse than any hangover he's ever had. The pain in his legs are the worse, making him on the verge of crying.

He goes to call out for help until he hears echos, bouncing off of the walls of wherever he's at.

The echoes, now sounding like a voice, come closer with every sound. The noise grows closer and more clear with every second passing.

"PEEEETTE." The echo, now sounding like the robotic voice of the Patrick mask, yells out.

Pete squints to see a bright red light in front of him coming closer.

"Patrick?" The man calls out.

"PEEEETTE." It calls out again, the volume increasing with each second his name is dragged out.

"I can't see anything..." Pete says.

Although Pete's vision is slightly blurry, he can see the Patrick mask floating right in front of him. The red glowing eyes giving off the source of light.

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