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A curt knock came at your door. Still in your dreamland, you lifted your eyemask up and called out a soft and sleepy 'yes?'

"I am terribly sorry to disturb your rest your Highness, but the Duke has requested your presence in the dining room. He says to 'please take your time but try to hurry'." The butler said, and you thanked him. 

"5 more minutes.." You murmured to yourself, stretching your legs. The sunlight illuminated your skin, and you soaked in the warmth. You sighed in bliss, remembering the events of yesterday. You and your fiance had watched the sky until you fell asleep, and the next thing you knew, you were in his bed. 

At first, upon realizing you were in Gilbert's bed, you blushed furiously, but you looked to your right and immediately relaxed. The Duke was sprawled out next to you, an arm lazily around your waist. His platinum hair was messy. His blood red eyes were closed, and he looked so peaceful. You couldn't help but smile at the sight. 

As much as you wanted to stay, you didn't want something scandalous to pop up in the news around the country, so you slid out of his grasp as quietly as you could. You were pretty sure you didn't wake him, so you walked back to your room and fell asleep back in your bed.

Begrudgingly, you sat up and made your way to the sink. Although you had dark circles under your eyes the past few nights from being away from home, your face looked a little better today. You were finally getting used to being here. You quickly brushed, washed your face, and took a shower. You changed into a light, summer dress before walking downstairs to the dining room. 

Your mouth watered upon seeing all the different food set there. Bacon, waffles, pancakes, toast, orange juice, chocolate milk, scrambled eggs, muffins, bagels, muffins, donuts, yogurt... There was literally everything. But nothing was something a Duke would eat... 

"Have a seat," Gilbert said as he pulled out a chair. You slid into the seat and he affectionately rubbed your back. 

"Thanks. What's with all this food? Nothing fancy?" You giggled, but took a (hope) bagel and some cream cheese. 

Gilbert shook his head with distaste.

"I hope you don't mind, but I don't like to eat fancy things." He said, taking a croissant and some butter. 

As you ate happily, you scanned the table. 

"Hey, this is a lot of food for just the two of us-"

"'Sup, losers," Someone announced.

 You jumped a little in surprise, almost choking on your bagel. Alfred Jones walked in and rudely sat in between you and Gilbert, grabbing a piece of toast and chewing it. 

Gilbert rolled his eyes and pushed Alfred to the side and resumed sitting next to you. You raised an eyebrow and shot the Albino a look, to which he just sighed. 

"I'm forced to have him over. We have some preparations to take care of, but he came way to early. Probably just trying to take our food.. But before that, the tailors called me. They said your dress is ready and you have to try it. When should I call them over?" He asked you. 

"If you don't mind, I was hoping I could walk to their boutique instead. You know, it's nice to be outside and get some fresh air," You replied. Gilbert's red eyes scanned you for a second as if he didn't believe that's what you really wanted to do, but you didn't notice. 

"Okay. I'll come with you." Gilbert said. Alfred snickered and elbowed Gilbert. 

"Nice, can't let that hottie get away like the others," Alfred said obnoxiously. You decided to ignore him as you picked up your plate and handed it to a servant to wash. 

"Don't call her a 'hottie'." Gilbert fumed. 

"Whaaat, she is!" Alfred complained, smirking as he eye you up and down. Gilbert gritted his teeth. Alfred suddenly reached his wandering hand out as you were still making light chat with the servant and didn't pay attention. 

"Don't TOUCH HER!" A yell came from behind you, followed by a loud bang. You turned around and widened your eyes. Alfred's chair was knocked over, but he stood in a ready fighting stance. His arms were up, and although his jaw was bruised, the look in his eyes was crazy enough to make you shudder. Was he even Gilbert's friend? What friend acts like this? 

"I don't want to fight, man. But get your hands off her." Gilbert said calmly, but angrily. Alfred smirked again and raised his hands, shaking his head. 

"My bad. I hope you aren't..." Alfred leaned in and whispered something to Gilbert that you couldn't make out. Gilbert's red eyes widened as he denied whatever Alfred said, and that was that. End of their conversation. 

"Come on, let's go." Gilbert said, putting on a cloak. You were about to ask him what was going on between you and Alfred, but you decided not to. You didn't want to spark his anger, and it seemed like a personal problem between the two that you didn't want to meddle in. 

As the two of you walked down the street, something caught a hold of Gilbert's attention. 

"Hey, do you mind if I check this out really quick?" He asked. "I'll catch up with you as soon as I'm done." 

"Sure! Take your time, I know where the boutique is." You said, walking off alone. This was great, that meant that he trusted you not to run away!

You blushed a little. 'Does that mean I like him? I mean, I'm not planning to run away... This is kind of a Fairytale, isn't it?'

"Ow." You bumped into something really hard. You rubbed your red nose a little and slowly looked up. 

It was a blonde man with slicked back hair. You remembered him from somewhere, but you couldn't quite place a finger on it. 

The man grunted and looked down at you, his eyes shining with malice. You shivered and stuttered some words out. 

"Oh, I-I'm so sorry! I'll be going now..." You said slowly, starting to walk away. 

"Not so fast." He said, and you froze to look at him. The man reached into his pocket, and at that point, you were shaking with fear, but ready to defend yourself. Something silver shined in your eyes, and you looked down at the man's hand in horror. He was holding a sharp dagger. 

"Wh-What are you doing?!" You squealed, trying to back away. With shaky hands, you formed fists, but the man only laughed a little. 

"Do you think your tiny hands will protect you against this?" He said, thick German accent lacing his words. 

You turned around to run, but he grabbed your collar. You stomped on his foot really hard, and he cursed and let you go. 

Suddenly, before you could run away again, he lunged at you with the dagger and you screamed and made a desperate attempt to cover yourself. 

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