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A/N: Just a short chapter to keep things going! 

When you came to, you were in Alfred's office. It was dark, and his computer eerily shined neon blue. The windows were shut. Looking around, you suddenly gasped upon seeing a body on the floor. 

Dark red blood pooled around the body, some of it touching your feet. The man's platinum hair was dyed red by his own blood. You started to panic. 

"G-Gilbert?!" You screamed, trying to struggle out of your handcuffs. 

"Not really... But still just as annoying," Alfred's voice said from behind you. You jumped with surprise, not knowing he was there in the first place. Alfred walked over to the corpse and lifted it, and you were met with Ivan's cold, lifeless eyes. 

"I-Ivan..." You said, tears pricking your eyes. You ran to his side and kneeled down in front of him, sobbing. 

"I-I'm so sorry... I should have helped you..." 

"Shut up, god you're really whiny." Alfred complained, hoisting you up to your feet roughly. You turned around and glared daggers at him. 

"Who the hell are you? Who do you work for?! What is this organization?" You spat. 

Alfred studied his nails nonchalantly. 

"I can tell you, but I'm gonna have to kill you later. Oh wait... I'm going to kill you anyway," He sneered and drew a gun. You shut your eyes tightly, breathing slow, but the pain never came. 

"What are you doing here, you piece of trash," Alfred spat. You gasped and opened your eyes a little to see someone tall standing in front of you. 

"Leave her alone. This wasn't how it was supposed to be," A familiar voice said. 


"Why are you defending her? Don't tell me you've fallen for her! You little..." 

You stared at them for a few seconds before snapping out of it, then proceeding to get off your handcuffs. You scooted to a corner of the room where there was a bloody metal bar. Shuddering you tried not to think of how many people died by getting slammed with this bar, and you brought your arms up, then quickly brought them down on the bar. 

The impact shattered your handcuffs. Wincing, you rushed to the corner. 

By now, the two men were engaging in combat. Gilbert had disarmed Alfred, kicking his gun to the corner of the room. With shaky hands, you picked up the gun and pocketed it, tears pricking your eyes. You collapsed next to Ivan and quickly untied his bloody scarf, also pocketing that. 


You widened your eyes and looked in the direction of Gilbert. His knuckles bloody, he punched Alfred in the stomach to knock him out, but the both of you knew that wouldn't last long. 

"Let's go!" Gilbert ordered, grabbing your wrist. You nodded quickly, and the two of you ran out of there, sneaking around the numerous thugs who were starting to gather. 

Finally, the two of you were out. You and Gilbert ran, not looking back. Your hand was securely in his, and his warmth gave you enough adrenaline to run fast without stopping. Finally, the two of you were miles away from the organization, in an open field. The moonlight trickled through the clouds and onto the grass, and the stars twinkled in all their glory. 

Gilbert, who had received years of physical training, was unfazed. You collapsed on the ground next to him, your sweat being dried by the cool breeze. Although Gilbert gave you the strength to keep going, reality hit you hard as you fell on the soft grass. 

"Gilbert... I'm your target." You said sadly. 

Gilbert looked at you and said nothing, his face completely emotionless. 

"You were going to kill me!" You cried. You reached into your bag and threw the ominous book you had found a long time ago on the grass. 

Gilbert stared at the book. 

"I should have known... I should have known that you were a murderer!" You sobbed. "You're famous! You're famous for KILLING PEOPLE!" You sobbed. You were so devastated that you could barely process what you were saying. 

"This book... This book is full of the people YOU killed! Is that what I was going to be?! Just another page in your DAMN BOOK!" You said. Gilbert still remained silent, staring at the glittering calligraphy titling the book. 

You had pieced it together when Alfred raised the gun to your head. You should have known-from the second that Gilbert looked into your (e/c) eyes with his blood red ones, you should have known he was the Crimson Hunter. The book was his. 

"You never loved me..." You said, making no effort to wipe away your tears. 

Gilbert sank to his knees. 

"(Name)...." He murmured softly. His voice was shaky. You looked at his face. 

"G-Gilbert?" You said in shock. Tears were flowing out of his eyes. It was the first time you had seen him cry, which was shocking because he always had a tough face on. He desperately took your hands in his. 

"Please, (Name), I didn't want to have you killed, I really love you, I promise I was trying to call it off-" He kept sobbing like a child. Your heart pounded. So he really did love you-or was he lying again. 

His eyes glimmered with fear, and that's when you realized. These emotions were true, because he was showing fear. Fear for the future. 

It was your turn to not say anything-you stood there, not being able to process anything. Gilbert wrapped his arms around you and you flinched, but relaxed once he pulled your head against his beating heart. 

"(Name)... We're not safe here. We have to keep running. I will risk my life for you... I love you." 

HEEEY GUYS! I made a youtube! I'm going to be posting AMV's and stuff there, so please check it out! I just uploaded a Fairy Tail AMV!


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