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Finally ready to go back to the manor at sunset, you walked in to see your parents waiting angrily. They were furious that you had missed another one of their formalities, talking about how "the daughter of the household must be present!" and "this brings disgrace and shame onto us!"

Then, the Marchioness started lecturing you and snapping at you for wearing such indecent attire downtown where everyone would see you and how dressing like a hobo was no way for a lady of nobility to act.

You didn't listen to most of it. In the end though, you got sent to your room.

"Don't they understand that I love sitting in my room?" You mumbled to yourself with an evil smirk. Finally getting some peace and quiet, you sat on your cosy bed and ran your hands over the red velvet book you had found today.

The pages were neat, crisp, and golden, and the word "Crimson Hunter" glittered golden on the front of the deep red book. You put your fingers on the edges and opened it cautiously.

December 15th, 1975

You frowned in thought as you read the date on top of the page. The format of the book seemed to be somebody's journal. But why did it have such an odd title? There was no author name either.

What was a little disturbing was the first entry had been written in 1975, which was exactly 2 years ago. From this very day. Because it was December 15th, 1977.

You shook your head and kept reading.

Princess Natalya Arlovskaya

Age 17

Long, dirty blonde hair

Pale Ivory skin

Lavender Eyes

Time of Death: 11:47 PM

Cause of Death: Shot through heart. Two bullets were used. 

Breach in the Process: Alfred Foster Jones

"What the hell?!" Your blood ran cold. You had only met Princess Natalya of Russia once before the sad news spread across the world that she was murdered. Natalya was next in line to rule the Russian empire, and her parents time of leadership was coming to an end. However, before Natalya could be crowned queen, she had to give a speech, and when she stepped out into the balcony, she was immediately killed. 

Many people believed it was Prince Ivan who hired an assassin to kill her out of jealousy since his parents didn't choose him to represent and lead the country, causing the entire Empire to break out into civil war. 

Your furrowed your eyebrows as you kept flipping through the book. The entires were almost the same but with different people. 

"Who would record all these killings? That's kind of creepy," You muttered. Some of the victims were royalty while others seemed like normal people. Princess Natalya was the only person who had "2 bullets" used on her. The rest was one. 

The sound of the doorknob turning suddenly snapped you out of your phase. 

"Kyaaa!" You shrieked and threw the book in the closet and raced back on your bed as the door opened, slightly flustered to see... 

"Hello, darling." 

The same man you had seen earlier in the town square. His white hair was slightly messy and his ruby eyes shined. You, stunned, said nothing as he kissed your hand. 

"I am Duke Gilbert of Prussia. I apologize for not greeting you in the town square, it seemed like you were in a hurry." Gilbert smirked a little. Wow, this guy sure was full of himself. 

"Prussia?" You asked. 

A vein slightly popped from Gilbert's forehead. 

"Yes, Prussia. It's not very... Known around here. It's a medium sized province south of the Black Forest." Gilbert said with a strained tone. You couldn't help but smirk a little. 

"And how do I know if this province is real?" 

"Well..." Gilbert smirked cockily. "It's obviously real because your parents are doing business with my company and also... It's been decided that you are to be my wife." 


"I am NOT going off to some random province to get married to some random person! Hell, I haven't even heard of Prussia before now! How could you do this to me?!" You begged your parents. Your mother only sighed and cupped your cheek. 

"Honey, I'm sorry, but Duke Beilschmidt will take care of you."

"So that's it? I have to leave behind my home, my friends, my hometown just because you want to gain relations for a stupid business deal?" You screeched. 

"(Name), lower your voice. Ladies do not yell." Your father said firmly. You immediately turned around, your eyes shining with malice. 

"Fuck you."

As your father was about to yell at you for using profanity, your mother stretched her arm out in front of him to silence him. They both watched you storm away. 

 You walked to your room and slammed the door as hard as you could to make a point. It wouldn't be surprising if the entire manor could hear your outburst. You screamed in frustration and banged your head against the wall of your bedroom. 

"You done there?" Came a voice. You whipped around and there Gilbert was, sitting on your bed like the cocky, conceited bastard he was. Although you had to admit, he was a bit attractive. His cold, red eyes and white hair made him stand out, but in a good way. He was beautiful-possibly more beautiful than you. He was tall, and his abs shone through his attire. 

"Shut up!" You grabbed his collar and jabbed him in the chest. "This is YOUR fault!" 

"How is it my fault?" He smirked, not even flinching at your smaller frame. "Oh, I understand. I'm so awesome that your parents HAD to marry you off to me." He said, thoughtfully.

"No!" You yelled, and pushed him over, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you down since he was heavier than you. 

"Oh. Are we already getting busy?" Gilbert smirked, and you growled and tried to squirm off of him. You were in quite the awkward position, with you laying on top of him. 

"Lady (Name)..." The door opened, and you and Gilbert widened your eyes to see the chef, Matthias Køhler standing in the doorway, looking like he was about to have a nosebleed. 

"I'll come back later," Matthias said, shutting the door quickly and giggling creepily. 


"Calm down-ow!" 

"Get the hell off me!" 

"You're the one that's on me, if you didn't realize." 

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