Saturday/ Sunday

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Saturday came and I was scared for tonight. I my parents coming back tomorrow. Grandma was making a picnic for us which would be exciting.

When night came. I didn't hear no noise. And no boy was under my bed....


Sunday finally arrived and it we as my last day with my grandparents. We went for a picnic and just across us was a cemetery. I asked if I could go and explore and they agreed. I walked the cemetery and saw nothing but gravestones until a figure. There was boy. He was sitting on a gravestone. I couldn't see his face but by the design of his clothes....I knew that was the same boy from the other nights I had here. I walked pasted a gravestone hiding the boy. But when I returned from behind, he boy disappeared like always. I walked over to the grave he as sitting and saw a name carved into the gravestone. By the age he was born till the person died. I knew, just by looking at it, that the boy was sitting on his gravestone and he was dead.

That explains the old fashion he was wearing and the colour of his skin. His eyes was soul less and his lips was icy blue. All this time, that boy was dead and I didn't even know it.

I heard my parents call for me and we left. I did visit my grandparents even for a night. But the boy never returned. He was....gone....

The End.....

Hope you enjoy!!! Tell me your thoughts on this true story....

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