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Author's pov

"I..................Irene, why do you ask me to forgive you...............What have you done to me that makes you think I should forgive you" Taehyung's tone becomes even more miserable as he sheds tears while looking deep into the eyes of his wife, Taehyung was starting to see clearly and he was ready to face his inner demons that he had been holding back inside him since he got married. Irene was at a loss for words upon being asked that question from her husband.

"I-I..............." She lowers her face in tears as she is about to answer but is cut off by Taehyung who starts to get louder and his actions become more erratic but behinds these actions is only sorrow and regret.

"Look at me Irene..................why are asking forgiveness from the man who beat you and raped you and turned you into nothing but a Caged bird................why are you so damn kind to a monster" Taehyung shouts even louder as he cups Irene's face in his hand and let's her tears fall on his palms.

"Be-Because I love you Tae-" As Irene is speaking Taehyung suddenly gets up from the bed and yanks Irene up as well and stands her before him. And without saying anything, he completely rips Irene's shirt in pieces with his bare hands leaving her upper body naked.

"Look at yourself Irene.............for God's sake, look at this" Taehyung cries his heart out as he grabs Irene's bare arm and shows her marks of slaps and whips on her muscles. Taehyung feels like he is going crazy, his emotions and actions run out of control. "I did this to you................I fucking used whips to make these marks on your body....................all of this abuse on your body is there because I'm a fucking worthless human being Irene, I don't know what the fuck do with all this anger and regret in my fucking brain".

Irene feels sorry for Taehyung when she sees him in the helpless state he is in, but she can't even begin to understand what Taehyung is really going through in his mind, his brain literally being smashed against the walls of his skull. And for once even Irene thinks about the reason she is asking forgiveness from him, but as soon as she sees those teary eyes of his, it all comes back to her why he is the one she needs to stick with.

"Please Taehyung.............stop, don't do this to yourself, don't put yourself in this sinkhole because once you fall in you won't be able to come out..............I'm here for you, no matter what I have to go through. I will always be with you Taehyung. Let me help you because it was my fau-" Irene tries to calm her husband down who is about to lose his sanity but he again cuts her off.

"And that........stop fucking saying it's your fault, stop saying you did this to me...........your the only fucking reason I am still able to go on in this fucking life........you have no idea how many times I have fucking contemplated to end this worthless life of mine Irene, you have no goddamn idea how many nights I spent awake beating myself over the fact that I hurt you...........and it's only when I see your face that I stop myself from doing anything, your the only thing that is keeping me from putting a bullet in my fucking skull" Irene stands still in shock for a moment as tears fall down her face when she learns about the fact that her husband actually contemplated suicide, she feels beyond terrified at just the thought of such a thing and she feels like her heart is being ripped open every time she hears Taehyung's sobs and his cries of helplessness.

"I know Irene.................... I know what that son of a bitch did to you, and I know you couldn't escape from that" Irene's eyes go wide when she sees Taehyung calmly bring up the past and one of the worst nights of Irene's life, and what's more surprising is that the thing she had been trying her hardest to keep a secret from her husband to protect him was something he knew all along.

"I fucking knew it from the start that you were roped into that fucking experience....................and every time I imagine you in that place with him, it makes me wanna fucking rip him apart for ever hurting you but.............I'M A FUCKING MESS IRENE AND I'M FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD, SO I TAKE ALL THAT RAGE AND ALL THAT ANGER OUT ON YOU..............AND I WANT TO FUCKING KILL MYSELF FOR THAT" Taehyung completely loses his mind as he picks up a vase near him and smashes it on the wall in anger and rage and sorrow, Irene flinches in fear upon the sound of glass shattering but even more so because of how Taehyung is acting, he looks more like a wild animal than a normal human right now. Suddenly Taehyung starts to shed even more tears as he slowly walks towards Irene and falls on his knees and hugs Irene's legs while sobbing uncontrollably.

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