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Irene's pov

The bright rays of sun penetrating the room through the curtains woke me up, and as I open my eyes the first sight I'm greeted with is the face of my beloved Kim Taehyung, eyes closed and breathing softly while in deep slumber and it brings ease to my heart to see him so peaceful. Last night..................we both were upfront with each other, we told each other each and every single thing about each other, secrets that had been kept hidden for the longest time. I realized that by trying to keep my traumatic story a secret from Taehyung to protect him was actually the thing that was hurting him the most.

But I was just ashamed, to tell him about this. And I didn't hide this truth from him because I was afraid I would be called a slut or whore.............it was because I knew how deeply it would affect his public reputation. And I know now that what he did to me throughout our marriage wasn't his fault, he was hurting and he was mad and furious...........and it was because of that rage that blinded him. And just the thought of Taehyung doing something to himself is something that gives me nightmares and it scares the breath out of me.

I love this man so much, I have submitted my whole life to loving this man with my whole body and.......even if our journey started off with a bad start, that doesn't mean our future is ruined. And now that I know his feelings for me, I know we will do ok. And maybe..............just maybe, we might be able to find our happy ending after all, like the ones I dreamed off. And last night is something that I never want to see again, the way Taehyung wept and cried, it was too much to bear. Each time his tears fell, it was like an arrow to my heart and from now on I will help him the whole way through anything he is going through.

Last night, after I don't even know how many nights. We both went to sleep in each other's loving embrace and it was the greatest feeling ever, I had almost forgotten how it felt. Taehyung clinged onto me with his dear life and even though it did get a little tight, I didn't complain once......because I was clinging onto him the same way. Deep down in my heart I knew.............. I knew that this was the start of something beautiful and I was just happy that after so many hardships in my life, I was gonna live a peaceful life with the love of my life.

"Good morning".

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Taehyung open his eyes, I didn't even realize that I was staring at his face the whole time.
And the second he saw me, I saw a smile form on his face that made me blush and lower my head. There is just some kind of softness in his stare this morning that is giving me butterflies in my stomach.

"Morning dear" I said in a low voice almost a whisper as I keep my head lowered with a smile on my lips. I feel like a newly wedded wife, because of the emotions I'm feeling.

"Irene................come to me" as soon as I hear his words I lift my head and I see Taehyung lying and facing me with opens arms, inviting me in his warmth with a loving smile on his lips. Oh, how I missed that smile of his, how many nights I wished he would smile at me like that. I slowly slide closer to him until my face is stuffed in his chest and I feel his arms around my back, gluing me to him tightly. And this feeling of love and warmth in his arms, I can actually feel it today, the unique musk of his body is something that every time I smell it, it makes me feel safe and secure. I also close my eyes and let my body relax in his arms and appreciate the value of this moment. I feel Taehyung planting small kisses on the top of my head from time to time and I love every second of it. We stay like that in silence until he speaks up.

"I love you Irene................ I love you so damn much, I am willing to throw this entire world away for you.........just for you" His words travel directly to my heart and it's like his words pull a wire in me that make my tears fall, but not the tears of pain, these are tears of joy and happiness. I feel him stuff his face in the side of my neck and his lips making contact with my skin send me into a euphoric state. I slowly pull away from the hug and as I stare into his eyes, a smile appears on my lips among the falling tears.

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