The New Addition

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You woke to the sound of children screaming with joy. " Please greet our new matey, Payne!" You opened your eyes to see children looking expectantly at you. Foxy nudged you. " Say something, (Y/N)!"  You looked at the children, and put on a fake smile. " Hey kids!( It's me ) My name is (Y/-, I mean Payne!" Blood started dripping from your eyes and mouth. Some kids screamed, other kids plugged their nose and ran away. To them, you smelled like a rotting body.

 The curtains closed, leaving you and Foxy left in the darkness. You sat in the corner. " What is happening to me?" You croaked. Foxy sat next to you. " It be okay, (Y/N)." He pat you on the back. Outside, you could hear the staff evacuating the building. " It's not okay! You put me in this damn suit!" You snapped at him. " I shouldn't be here! My sister is probably worried about me! My mom wil-" Foxy grabbed your head to make you look at him. " (Y/N), You will make it through this." You threw his hands off your face, and ran out of the cove.  You ran down towards the parts and service room, and burst inside. This was the place you could stay and go unnoticed. "You...Are...having...a...hard...time..." You looked around for the ghost child, but you could not see it. ",no..."  That didn't make sense, but then again, not much stuff made sense here.  " What d-d-d-d-d-d-" Your voice box glitched out. You swiveled your head all the way around to look at your back panel. You felt your endoskeleton creak a little, and you felt... pain? You shouldn't be able to feel pain, you are just a robot!

" W-w-w-why-y c-c-c-can I-I-I-I-I-I-I f-f-feel p-pain?" you asked to no one in particular. " We don't know for sure why." You rolled your eyes and swiveled your head back around. You already knew who it was. Golden Freddy was standing in front of you.  "W-w-w-w-h-h-hy" Golden Freddy held up his hand, signaling for you not to talk. " A mechanic will come here and "Fix" you." He said calmly. He walked out of the door, leaving you alone in the room again. But you will never be alone. Not in this hellhole. You could hear the gang walking down the hall towards you. You knew they were going to try and comfort you, but you just wanted to be alone right now. You sat against the wall and let your jaw hang loose, pretending you were shut down. 

The animatronics walked into the room. " Mr. (Y/N), are you in here?" You heard Freddy inquire. " Freddy, he is right here." You listened to footsteps near you. " I-is he okay?"  All of the animatronics crowded around you. Foxy knew you were pretending you were off. The others knew you were too, but they pretended as if they  didn't know. They eventually walked back to the stage, leaving you to your thoughts. You looked down at your paws. What were you missing? Would you ever get to live a normal life? More blood begins to seep through your mouth. When would this stop? You stood up, but you ripped off part of your foreleg while doing so. You hissed in pain as you looked down. Their was a rip down the center. You gritted your teeth and walked out of the room. You hesitated, and looked down the main hall. The animatronics were sitting on the stage, conversing quietly to each other. You looked down to the office. The plushies were still sitting down on the table. You smiled grimly to yourself, and walked towards them. The office was no different from before. You sat in the office chair, spinning it around. Your ear twitched. You heard a little buzzing sound.

 You looked at the desk and put your hand on it. The vibrations went up your arm. You looked under the Freddy plushie on the desk, revealing your phone.  You picked it up carefully. Their was a message from your boss. You tried to swipe open the lock screen, but ended up breaking the screen. You hadn't gotten used to your enhanced strength yet. You got up from the chair. ' might as well lock the doors, ' You thought ' I could finish my job ' You got up and locked the back door, and started to walk down the hallway towards the front door. When you walked into the main room, the animatronics looked at you.

 " (Y/N)! You came out of the parts and service room!" Chica shouted with glee.  You ignored her and continued walking towards the front door, tail twitching in agitation. You put your paw on the window, looking out in the night. You wanted to leave, and you haven't even been here that long. You locked the door and turned around. You could see Chica get up and start to walk towards you. You growled, you had had enough of them pretending that they were innocent. Chica got closer, and started to say something. Your eyes turned black, and you pushed her onto the ground. The other animatronics gasped and ran up to you, and tried to pull them away from her.  You kicked Freddy in the gut, sending him back. 'That felt good ' Bonnie pulled you back with all of his might. You smirked at him, and his pitiful attempts too restrain you. You pushed him back against the wall. You seemed to be much stronger then them. Foxy looked at you warily. You started to walk past him, but you spun around and clashed your teeth on his wrist. His hand came right off, and stayed in your mouth. You spit it out at his face. You looked at all of the animatronics sprawled out on the ground and smirked. You turned and headed towards the prize corner. It was time to pay that puppet a visit.

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