Chapter 9

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Annie's pov:

When I left the house it was like I was on my own and I didn't have anyone to support me or love me the way he aways did
When I got into the car I put my head on the steering wheel and cried
How could he
How does he have the audacity to cheat on me especially with her
I started driving to Kenzie's house
I walked to her door and knocked and she almost immediately answered

K: Annie?
I just looked at her with tears in my eyes
K: what's wrong!!! *hugs her*
I just cried into her shoulder
A: H-he cheated
K: I finally have an opportunity to kill him
A: kenz no!
K: ok fine I won't... Yet
A: whatever *pulls away from hug*
K: hey if you want you can stay here as long as you want
A: thanks I thought you would never ask
K: no problem you can stay in my room
A: but don't you sleep there
K: I'll sleep with Johnny we're dating now
A: I'm happy for you but where is he
K: thanks and he likes to go for morning jogs
A: oh well that's nice
K: I'm gonna get ready for school now
A: ok do you have another bathroom I need to get ready too
K: umm yea it's down the hall to the right
A: thanks
K: no problem and hey, make yourself a home
A: thank you so much
K:*goes to her room and starts getting ready*
A*does the same*
30 minutes later 6:45
A: we have 1 hour and 15 minutes before we go to school so let's watch Netflix
K: ok
We watched friends until 8:00 then Johnny walked in
JO: hey Kenz hey Ann's it's time to go
A: oh shoot
K: come on!
we walked to class
1p: 8:15-845 -Kenzie, Jayden, and Ruby
2p: 8:48-9:18 -Kenzie,Carson, and Johnny
3p: 9:20-10:50 -Carson and Hayden
Break 10 minutes
4p: 11:00-11:30 -Ruby and Brennan
5p: 12:45-1:15 -Ruby and Hayden
6p: 1:18-1:48 -Brennan
Break 10 minutes
7p: 1:50-2:20 -Kenzie, Jayden, Ruby, Hayden, Carson, Johnny and Brennan

We took our seats
I sat between Kenzie and Jayden and Infront of ruby
K: I've been meaning to ask you I know this might sound bad but who
A: what are you talking about
K: who'd he cheat on you with
A: r-ruby
T: everyone quiet down
I or sad and nodded my head
The teacher started the lesson
As I was fiddling with my pen someone taps my sholder and gives me a note
It said:
Aren't you gonna congratulate me I stole your man and it wasn't even that hard

I got so mad and she started laughing
I was about to turn around and punch her until
The bell went off and it was time for the next class
I wanted to scream,cry,punch her in the face, and throw up all at the same time and kenz and Jayden noticed
I just ran out the room and they ran after me and we ended up in the bathroom
I just fell to the ground and started crying then kenz and Jayden ran in
A: I'm just gonna kill myself it's not like anyone cares
Both: ANNIE!
They both came up to me and hugged me
J: don't ever think of that again
K: yea everyone loves you
A: apparently not everyone
We walked out the bathroom and we saw...

End of chapter

Sorry for the cliffhanger I'll post tomorrow at the same time but until then byeee 👋😇

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