Chapter 34

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8:00 pm

Hayden's pov:

Me and Johnny walked to Carson's party and Kenzie ran up to us with Annie

Me and Johnny walked to Carson's party and Kenzie ran up to us with Annie

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Annie's outfit ^^^

Hayden's outfit ^^^

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Hayden's outfit ^^^

Johnny's outfit ^^^

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Johnny's outfit ^^^

Kenzie's outfit ^^^

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Kenzie's outfit ^^^

K: hey babe! *grabs his hand*
JO: hey
A: *tries not to look at Hayden*
H: you look nice...
A: *looks at him* thanks....

Then Lexi ran up to me

LD: you came!
H: yeah!
LD: come on I want to talk to you really quick *grabs his hand*
H: ok? See you guys later
JO: see ya
K: bye
LD: *brings him into a room and leaves the door open*
H: what's up
LD: *Sits on the bed* I have to tell you something...
H: what is it? *sits next to her*
LD: I still like you... I never stopped liking you and I can't get over you
H: Lexi...
LD: you don't have to like me back I just needed to tell you the way I felt before I went crazy
H: it's ok, but I can't like you..
LD: why?
H: we dated a few years ago and I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with you but then you moved and I moved on....
H: I love Annie
LD: oh yea...
H: sorry. I should go.. *stands up and walks to the door*
LD: wait!....
H: *looks back at her and walks towards her a little bit*
LD: *walks up to him and kisses him*
H: *kisses back then pulls away*
LD: I'm sorry
H: *walks out the room*

That was a mistake
But technically I didn't cheat because Annie wanted to take a break

I walked up to the drinks and started drinking a lot

Annie's pov:

I didn't really feel like drinking so when Hayden left I figured I should go hangout with my friends because why not
After 30 seconds I had to use the bathroom so I started walking to it until I see Lexi and Hayden in a room kissing
I ran back to my friends and acted like nothing happened

3 hours later

For the past 3 hours all I could think about was them kissing
Am I jealous?
I stood up about to leave until Hayden walked up to me with his words being slurred
He smelled like alcohol, I could tell he's drunk

H: what's up baby girl *puts his hands on her waist*
A: ummm no *moves his hands*
H: come on baby I know you want me *grabs her butt*
A: Hayden stop!
H: *picks her up so that she's over his shoulder*
A: HAYDEN LET GO OF ME!!! *starts punching his back and kicking her feet*
H: *brings her into the room and puts her on the bed*
A: GET AWAY FROM ME!!! *stands up and backs away*

Then Carson walks in

C: Hayden what the hell are you doing!

H: I'm not doing anything bruhhhh
C: *grabs his shirt and puts him against the wall*
H: chill
C: *raises his fist* stay away from her!
A: *grabs his fist* don't hurt him...
C: you guys aren't dating anyway so why do you care
A: Carson he's drunk and how did you find out?
C: *lets Hayden go*
H: *falls*
C: John told me
A: oh...
C: what do you want me to do about Hayden
A: can he stay here?
C: sure I don't mind
A: ok well then see you later
C: ok see ya
A: *leaves*

I don't know why but I really just want to hold Hayden right about now
Maybe I'll talk to him tomorrow
I started walking to my dorm then Case walked up to me

CW: hey Annie...
A: hey what's wrong?
CW: Im sorry but I can't control myself
A: what do you-
CW: *kisses her*
A: *kisses back*
C: Annie!?!?
A: *pulls away and looks at Carson* what are you guys doing here!!!
H: *tears up and runs to his dorm*
C: Hayden Wait!
A: I'm sorry Case I gotta go *runs to her dorm*
C: *runs after her*

~at the dorm~

A: Hayden wait!
H: *goes in his room and slams the door*
C: *walks up to Annie* who the hell was that kid
A: that was Case...
C: is that why you broke up with Hayden... To get with Case
A: No! Not at all! Me and him are just friends!
C: so why were you guys kissing!
A: I don't know! He just kissed me
C: and you kissed back!
A: me and Hayden aren't even dating!
C: but you hurt his feelings and you know he still loves you
A: why were you guys even there
C: he wanted to come to his dorm
A: can you just get his door open
C: how, he locked it!

Then there was a knock on the door

A: Carson can you get it please
C: fine *opens the door*
C: Lexi?
LD: Hey.. Hayden told me to come here
H: *walks out his door and grabs her hand*
LD: Hey!
H: hey... *brings her into his room and locks the door*
A: *knocks on the door* Hayden can you please open the door, we can talk about this...
C: he's not gonna open the door

2 minutes later

C: do you hear that?
A: what? *puts her ear on the door*
*Moans coming from the door*
C: oh shit
A: *jaw drops* what the...
C: *knocks on the door*
H: *opens the door with only his boxers and he was covered in water*
C: What are you guys doing in there and why are your you wet!
H: hanging out.
A: *walks into her room*
H: ok bye *tries to close the door*
C: wait..
H: What!
C: how many fingers am I holding up? *holds up 4*
H: 2 *closes the door*
C: *walks into Annie's room* you know he's drunk right
A: I know....
C: why did you even break up with him
A: I didn't break up with him I just told him we should take a break
C: why
A: we've been fighting a lot and the other day Lexi showed up and he called me a friend
C: you should've just talked to him about it
A: I know but I was mad
C: you need to talk to him soon because I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear that every night
A: I'll talk to him when he's sober and not having sex with other girls
C: talk to him tomorrow
A: ok..
C: I should get going but if he starts acting crazy just call me
A: ok
C: *leaves*

I just decided to try to go to sleep but I can't over all the moaning
I decided to put on music and before I knew it I was out like a light

End of chapter

Until next time

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