Chapter 16 ⚠️dirty⚠️

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Annie's pov: when Brennan said sike I didn't know what that was supposed to mean, what was he gonna do to me?!?!?!

B: guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way

He ran up to me and put his arm around my neck not choking me yet

H: ok ok... What do you want
B: I want my time with Annie😏
H: ok....
A: what no!!!

Then he gave me the just trust me look

B: ok leave now!!!
H: ok fine

As Hayden was walking out Brennan walked to a table with toys on it but then Hayden charged at him and they went through the table

H: your gonna obey me whether you like it or not

Hayden started punching Brennan and then I see someone come from behind me

K: I'm gonna get you out of here
A: ok

She untied me and I pulled my pants up then hugged her

A: where's Jayden
K: beating the crap out of ruby
A: oh...
I ran up to Hayden to see that Brennan is unconscious

H: let's go

I just gave him a really tight hug and cried into his chest

A: thank you guys so much idk what I would do without you guys
H: you before anything
K: exactly

We walk out to see Jayden getting up off the floor and ruby unconscious

J: Annie are you ok!!!

She ran up to me and hugged me, I just hugged back

A: yes I'm fine and thank you
J: anytime

We left and went to school which we were pretty late for

After school

A: babe
H: leave me alone I'm mad at you *says in baby voice*
A: why?
H: *crosses his arms and pouts* because you made me wake up today *says in baby voice*
A: you have to get your education Hayden
H: but school is so boringggg
A: to bad

He starts looking at me up and down and biting his bottom lip

H: your going to pay
A: but-
H: nope your gonna pay whether you like it or not
A: your lucky I'm still horny

I kissed him and he kisses back

5 minutes later we get to our dorm

H: *opens the door for Annie*
A: why thank yo-

Before I could finish my sentence he smashed his lips against mine and pushed me against the wall
We started making out until there was a knock on the door, we just ignored it
Then he started to take off my shirt but then the door opened
K: hey Ann's I thought I would just stop b- omg I'm sooo sorry, I'll come back later

Before I could say anything she just ran out and yes me and her have keys for each other's dorm because we decided we should just have them

A: okay?

He just looked at me then smashed his lips back onto mine
We made out for 15 minutes then went to our room (Hayden's room)

⚠️Warning dirty⚠️

H: strip!

I started taking off my clothes then he took his off, sooner than later we were on the bed naked making out

H: come on *puts a condom on*

I started grinding on him and he was a moaning mess but then he flipped us and started thrusting into me

A: uhhhhh haydennnnnn
H: *fake coughs and stops* babe you can't keep doing this, I'm gonna punish you next time

Then he started thrusting into me again and i arched my back and screamed of pleasure

A:uhhh daddyyyyyyyy right thereeee
H: uhhh babbyyyyy
A: ohhh daddy

He went super fast, like nonhuman speed

H: wait for me babyyyy

I started digging my nails into his back but it was like he didn't notice

H: 3..2..1

And with that being said we both came

A: uhhh
H: ohhhh

He ate me out and I sucked on his long member
After We just laid there naked until I decided to take a shower
After I took a shower I FaceTimed Kenzie

K: hello
A: um hey..
K: hey
A: are you busy
K: nope
A: ok... I'm sorry you walked into that
K: it's fine
A: you wanna come over for a little
K: sure... Will I walk into you guys making out again

We both laughed

A: I promise you won't
K: ok be over in a few
A: k bye
K: bye

We hung up

A: Hayden wash the sheets
H: but that's so much workkkk

I gave I'm a death glare

H: on second thoughts, let's go wash the sheets

Kenzie came over, we hung out, then she left and we went to sleep

End of chapter

Thanks soooo much for 8k reads and 22 followers were really moving fast
5 votes and I'll put the next chapter out
But anyways like I always say, until next time byeeeee😇👋

Extremely Dirty HannieWhere stories live. Discover now