Chapter 42: The end

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Hayden's pov:

I bumped into someone I didn't expect to see

R: Hayden?
H: R-Ruby?!?!?!
R: can we talk?...
H: *looks behind him* yea sure

We walked to a table and she sat down
I put my drink down

H: I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be right back
R: ok

I went to the bathroom and a few minutes later came back to the table
When I sat down I looked at my drink and it was a little darker then it was before
I didn't really care that much so I took a sip

R: so how was your day?
H: it was good....

Out of nowhere I started getting dizzy and sweaty
I stood up and tripped a little

H: w-what did you p-put in my drink
R: what are you talking about? *smirks*

Johnny and Carson rushed over and I fell

R: I can take care of him guys don't worry
C: are you sure?
R: Of course!
JO: ok thanks!

I couldn't move or talk
Ruby got two men to pick me up and put me in her car
Ruby drove to her dorm and tried to get me in her dorm
She struggled a lot but she finally got me in
She put me on the bed and started stripping
All she had on was her underwear and bra
She climbed on top of me and started kissing me
Then she stripped me and started sucking my dick and that's the last thing I remember

Annie's pov:

Hayden was supposed to be home 2 hours ago but he probably stayed and at one of the boys dorms
I wanted to make sure so I called him
He wouldn't pick up so I called Carson

C: Hello?
A: hey is Hayden with you
C: ummmm noooo

His words were slurred and I could tell he was drunk
I decided to just hang up and call Johnny

A: Hello?
JO: heyyyy Ann'ssssss

His words were also slurred so I hung up and tried calling Hayden again
He wouldn't answer his phone at all
I just hope he's with one of them
I went to my dorm and went to sleep

~Next day~

Hayden's pov:

I woke up with a major headache
It was 7:30 in the morning
I looked to the side and saw Ruby laying there
Did we?...
I looked down and I was naked
I got dressed quickly and went to Carson's dorm
I knocked and he opened the door

C: what's up
H: I need you to cover for me
C: ok?
H: if Annie asks where I was last night, I stayed here
C: ok
H: thanks
C: where were you yesterday
H: Ruby's dorm
C: why
H: I don't know I just woke up there
C: interesting
H: I gotta go but thanks
C: no problem

I drove to school and I was 20 minutes early
I saw Annie's car so I decided to look for her
I went in the school and saw her just standing there so went went up to her and hugged her

A: *looks at him*
H: I'm sorry...?
A: where were you last night, and why didn't you come home!
H: I was with-

Then Carson came over and put his hand on my shoulder

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