Chapter 4; A Goddess among women.

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"Lady Sarah Duggan Of Connemara?" I laughed as we walked into the main hall, looking out over the sea of people dancing. "My Irish accent was atrocious."

"It wasn't that bad." Tommy reassured me as we looked at each other.

"Maybe you should've asked Grace to come instead." I said with a small smile as he lit a cigarette and inhaled a draw.

"She was an option," He stated as he put his hand out for me to take, which I did. "But I picked the better option. Come on." I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my lips as he pulled me through the crowd of bodies and led us over to the bar. Tommy ordered a glass of whiskey for himself, and a glass of water for me.

"I still prefer the Garrison." He commented as he leaned on the bar but turned to look at the people dancing and the band playing at the other side of the room.

"The Garrison is home, of course you do." I pointed out as I watched an elderly couple dance. I noticed Tommy turn to look at me but I kept my eyes on the couple.

"And where's home for you?" He asked as I felt my body stiffen.

"Home is wherever me and Jessica happen to end up that week." I admitted as I turned to look at him and shrug slightly. "It's been that way since the war."

"Since the war?" I hear the confusion in Tommy's voice as a bad feeling enters my stomach at the fact I had probably said too much.

"Do you dance, Effie?" I turned my head to look at him in surprise. Half because he didn't push me for an answer on his last question, and half because he was even talking about dancing.

"I've never danced in my life." I told him, my tone slightly wary as he nods before picking up his glass and chugging back the contents inside. He takes my hand and begins to pull me to the dance floor.

"Tommy, no. I really don't know how to dance." I tried to pull back from him but as he turned me and actually laughed, a bright smile on his face, all of my nerves seemed to disappear.

"Calm down, Effie." He said quietly into my ear as shiver ran down my spine. He took my right hand in his and held it up beside us, his left hand placed on my waist and my left hand lightly situated on his shoulder. "And Just dance."

We began moving to the beat of the music as I couldn't help but smile. I noticed Tommy smiling also as he spun me out from him and brought me back to his body in one swift movement. I looked over Tommy's shoulder as I noticed a man sitting down at a table and the first thing to catch my eyes was the red handkerchief.

"Is that Billy Kimber?" I whispered to Tommy as I felt him nod.

"Yep, so keep smiling and keep dancing." He advised me as my heart sunk a little. It was all for show and the wall that I had spent so much time building around myself nearly came down. I shook my head lightly as Tommy pulled his head back to look at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I told him as I - fake - smiled at him, trying to keep up with his act. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about why Harry gave me the night off, would you?" I asked, Tommy now looking away from me.

"Because I want to give you a real job." He said as I furrowed my eyebrows. "We bought over the pub for my brother Arthur, and I don't want you cleaning it anymore. I want you to do accountancy for it."

"You did what?" My tone and facial expression was of absolutely bewilderment. "What about Harry?"

"Not important." He shook his head as I sighed.

"How do you even know I'm any good with numbers?" I questioned him as he smirked.

"Harry mentioned you helped him a few times." Tommy informed me as I shook my head.

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