Chapter 6

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Millie P.O.V

I waited at my house for Finn but he didn't come maybe he was late maybe he didn't see it i couldn't jump to conlousion on why he wasn't here but again it's been almost a hour.Noah waited with me and would leave when finn gets here however i don't think finn is coming.I started crying

"Why is life like this i just want one normal day where in not scared of romeo or worried if i guy would show up to talk about a mistake we made drunk"I cry to Noah

"Millie what do you mean scared of Romeo what did he do"Noah asks concern hugging me trying to make me calm down.

When Noah asked me that i suddeny stiffen was i ready to tell Noah,I needed help i needed to tell someone i need someone to support me

"Noah please don't freak out i beg you"I tell him grabbing his hands still crying

"Millie i can't promise that but please tell me"He begs squezzing my hands.I take a deep breath hoping he won't make huge deal out of it

"When i got suspended from Fighting Iris Romeo would come over a lot, and he would get physical but i stopped it before it got to far"I look at Noah who was telling me to continue"Anyways one night Romeo was drunk and my mom was on a date and ava was at a friends house,Romeo was more vioent that night and he umm raped me. "

Noah didn't say anything he hugged me while he was crying.Noah has broken my down my walls he was my rock to get me though this.We stayed hugging not letting go once crying together when Noah whisperd in my ear

"Don't worry mills we will get him"

Finns P.O.V

I woke up with a huge hangover.I sat up when all the events from last night coming back in my memorys.I slept with Millie Bobby Brown how could i be such a idiot as i lay there thinking about my mistake when a piece of paper was on the left it was a note from millie saying meet her at 12.Oh gos it was 12:50.I quicky grab my clothes and run to my car the car ride was fast knowing how fast i drove it wasn't surpising i got there pretty fast.I got out of my car and waled up to the door.I was extermely nervous i was never this nerous not even when i asked Iris to move in with me Iris probaly won't want to live with me anymore after this.Finally i get the nevres to knock but as i knock the dor opened i heard crying.I feltidmetely guilt was she crying of me then i heard something that angerded me made me so angery that i wanted to kill this person.Millie just told someone she was raped by Romeo.I couldn't see right i was so angery i needed to punch something i needed to do something.Millie was a sweet girl why would he do that to her.I felt my nails dig in my palms from clincing my fist

"Millie is that true."I ask her after i few minutes of shock.

"Finn?"Millie asks shocked of my presnce but i didn't care i wanted to know if it was true

"Millie answer me please tell me what you said was a lie that i didn't happen."I beg her that its lie

Millie didn't say no words noah just shook his head no confriming that i did happen.I was to angery to think i will kill romeo thats all i could think about right now

"Finn say something please."Millie begged me

"Im gonna kill him"The only thing that i could mutter out

"Finn lets be serious okay please don't be like this and stay out of it youre gonna go to new york with Iris don't ruin your future because of me and some guy,I mean come on Finn we aren't even friends you can't come and execpt us to be friends again because we had sex and I was raped." She tells me trying to be real but i coulsn't let Romeo get away with it

"Millie we can't let him get away with this he hurt you."I try to reason with her starting to cry

"You hurt me to Finn the day you left it hurt it's been three years im fine i can deal with it alone like i did with everything else Finn I don't need you"She tells me, i felt the gulit rising when she talks she was right i left her for him and Iris.i felt disguted with my self

"im sorry Millie."Not being able to say anything else

"Its finn i dropped it nothing is gonna change soon you'll be gone to college and i'll never see you again"She tells me us both crying

"Mille a lot has changed you can't just ignore it,it's affecting you" I tell her

"FInn what don't you get i've been dealing with this by myself for 3 months and ive been without you for 3 years i'm not going to bring you back in my life for a week so you can leave again go with Iris and move to New York I'll move on passed romeo i have Noah i have lilia i don't need you"She yells at me hurting me more then i could ever imaange i wasn't going to give up im gonna kill romeo no matter what she says i couldn't leave that.

"Millie." i grab her arms trying to reason with her"Let me in please i'm here now"after i asks her that she breaks down again crying in my shoulder showing me her weak side a side i haven't seen since i ditched her.I looked at Noah telling him to go home he was unsure first but i gave him the same look and he left.I hugged Millie tighter and kissed on top of her head and let her cry not caring if she gets my shirt wet
"Don't leave me finn please"Millie begs looking into my eyes. I could see the hurt in hers eyes the pain.
"I won't millie I'll stay with you"I promise her
"No finn I mean forever"Millie begs
"Mills I will just I need to go to college I'm leaving next week" I tell her my heart breaking
"Stay with me tonight at least"she asks holding me tighter
"Of course Millie" I tell her kissing her forehead
"I won't tell Iris"She tells me
"Don't worry about it millie"I tell
She nods her head taking me up to her room I try Laying on the floor but Millie wouldn't let me. I ended up in Millie's bed with Millie clinging on me and I didn't mind one bit

Leave honest opinion pleaeeee and vote if you wanna and again I'm a really loner person so if you wanna follow my insta @011s_eggos_ check it out and thank should I post or catch up and write more chapters before I publish chapter 7

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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