Chapter 7

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Ameera POV

I was heading to my room when the telephone started to ring, I quickly walked towards it and pick it up.

"Hello" I said

"Hi dear may i speak to Mr khan"?
Came the caller

"Sure, whom should I say is calling"

"Mr Hack" the caller replied ,
I got goosebumps hearing that title "Hack"

"Assalaamu Alaikum " I greeted him

"Walaikumsalaam who am I speaking to" he asked.
"Ameera" I replied

"Ohh hi dear how are you"

"I'm good Alhamdulillah, how about you "?

"I'm good too Alhamdulillah" he replied

"Please hold , i will put dad on the call"

I quickly walked over to my dad who was sitting on the couch watching News .

"Excuse me dad, Mr hack would like to speak to you" I told him.

I was about to leave when dad raise his hand indicating for me to halt
I took a seat on the sofa.
The news was so interesting I was so engrossed in it I didn't realized when dad ended his conversation

He tap me on the shoulder "princess"
I flinch , "Ohh yeah dad"?I turned my attention towards him.

"Mr hack just call to discuss about the wedding preparations"
My heart rate sped up.

"OK "I urged him to continued

"He would like to come over to our place tonight to finalised the wedding date , go up to your room and take some rest " dad said

"And wear something beautiful my mom chime in who over heard the conversation"

"OK mom and dad" , i give them a small smile.

I walked into my room like a zombie.
I shut the door behind me the loud bang brought me back to my senses .
I flinch, reality started to kick in , a few days from now , I would no longer be a daughter and sister but someone's wife's, daughter in law and sister in law .
Am I ready to give up my old life to start a new one ? I asked myself.
I couldn't help but let the tears flow.

After few minutes I composed my self , I grab my phone from my nightstand , I called annie.

Hi sweetheart her cheery voice boomer through the phone.

"Hi , Assalaamu Alaikum (may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon you) " I managed to say .

"Walaikumsalaam "she replied skeptical
Is everything OK? She asked
Worried and concern was laced in her voice.

I couldn't hide the fact that I was sad it was evident from my voice

Meera u was crying? She asked

"Um umm yeah , i need you to come over to my place I have something important to tell you " I told her.

"Alright I will be there, see you soon and don't forget I love youuuuuuu" she exaggerated

I let out a low chuckle a small smile managed it's way on my face.
"I love you too annieeee"!

"Awww now that's my meera , see u soon bye " , She hung up.

Half hour later

Annie arrived
"Meera"!! She called out to me!
I hid inside my closet
"Meera"she was continuously calling out to me.

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