Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

"I feel like we're in trouble." Bailey whispered to Ellie as they followed the dark skinned witch down various twisting hallways and past several closed doors on either side.

"That's because we are." Ellie hissed back, feeling nauseas.

"Stop talking." Lane barked over her shoulder, sounding more than a tad annoyed. Ellie chewed her jaw nervously; Bailey rolled her eyes, hardly caring about the possible trouble.

After what felt like eternity, Lane stopped at the end of the hall. Ellie stared on, perplexed due to the fact of where they were. The hall simply ended. There were no doors; there were no windows; it was simply a wall at the end of the hall. Bailey opened her mouth to question what exactly they were doing but was silence by a look thrown over Lane's shoulder. Lane pulled out her wand and traced the outline of a door with the tip of it. As she drew, an outline was left behind. When she finished, the outline glowed slightly, then with the sound of rock rubbing together, a door pushed forward suddenly an inch. It opened backwards to reveal an office housing floor to excruciatingly high ceiling bookshelves, a cluttered desk and three chairs, one behind the desk and two in front of it. The two chairs in front of the desk were preoccupied; Harry sat in one with his head resting in his hands and Ron sat in the other watching Hermione peruse the seemingly endless books.

"Sorry." Lane apologized to Harry as she circled the desk and took a seat. "I had to take care of something." Bailey and Ellie stood behind the chairs silently. Lane flicked her wand and the door slid back into place with the same sound as before. "But I found these two causing trouble." She added with a slight smirk. Ellie wasn't sure if the witch was teasing or reprimanding her for her behavior.

"I left you in the waiting area so you wouldn't misbehave." Harry lifted his head to Ellie and gave her a half smile.

"I didn't do anything wrong." Ellie said indignantly in a quiet voice. She was bashful and it was a surprise to both Bailey and Harry; though it didn't fully set in that she was in their world now. "He was bothering me." She added with her head held slightly low.

"Who?" Harry asked.

"Evans." Lane told him before Ellie could speak up. "And you didn't do anything wrong, Ellie. You just handled the situation wrong." Lane spoke gently, like she would when talking to a child. "You didn't need to amplify your voice the way you had."

"I honestly have no clue how I did that." Ellie offered timidly. "Nor did I know I could do what I did."

"Really?" Lane asked, tilting her head to the side. "Can't you control what you do?"

"Not really." Ellie said, chewing her jaw childishly. "I don't know how." She added feeling immature and weak.

"Strange." Lane remarked with her brows furrowed. She looked down and began sifting through papers on her desk.

As Lane silently sifted through stacks paper, Harry stood, offering his seat to a pale, anxious looking Ellie. She took the seat with a thankful smile and dropped her head into her hands. The pain in her side was aching once more and each breath was again labored. She opened her eyes and sat up, resting heavily on the high back of the chair. She nearly cried out when the blackness began creeping into the corners of her vision. It was overwhelmed; her breathing was labored and her vision faded. Then, the floor dropped out beneath her.

Ellie was surrounded by darkness. Everything was surreal; she was painfully alive. The world around her stopped and the air in her lungs halted. She was acutely aware of the fact that she was curled on an unknown floor, attempting to hide from the pain.

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