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Madi POV

When I wake up I'm being pushed against a wall. I try to push the person off me but they wouldn't budge!

"Get off me!" I yell,

"Yell at me at some more see what happens!" Justin yelled at me

"Harry will find me and when he does he going to kill you!"

"Well I would love to see him try!' he says with a evil smirk.

"You're sick Justin, mom left you for a reason!"

"Oh yea, what's that may I ask?"

"Because you're freaking crazy! that's why."

Paul's pov

"Well I don't care! you need to find her!" I yell into the phone.

"Mr. Paul sir... we the FBI is doing everything in our power, to find get sir," James said in a way to clam voice.

"Find her!" I yell once more before hanging up." there was a knock on my door "Come in,"

"Hi Paul,"

"Hi Harry," I know why he came here.

"Did you-" I cut him off before he could say any more.

"I know nothing more than I did 2 hours ago, I'm sorry Harry." I say with a small sad smile.

"Ok," he said and walked out the door.

Harry's pov

"They know nothing! how can they know nothing?"

"Harry darling you need to calm down," my mum said,

'Mum I wish you were here." I say biting back the tears.

"Me too, but we both know they won't let me fly out... hey baby I gotta get back to work, ok?"


"Send my love to the girls and lads! love you Hazza!"

"Love you too mum, I'll talk to you later." I hung up with my mum, and walk over to my sister's and Niall room,

"I don't care what's going on in there, but I need you let me in!" I bang on the door!"

"Chill out Harry I'm coming!" Ashly said opening the door.

"Were you doing anything?"

"Yea, it's called sleeping."

"Mhmm..." I said rolling my eyes,

"Whatever Harry."

"Where's your lover boy?"

"My lover boy, is at practice where you should be." I rolled my eyes and heard the lock on the door being unlocked.

"Hey babe have you seen Harry to day he wasn't at practice?" Niall asked

"Hey lover boy!"

"Oh hi Haz, why weren't you at practice?" he asked with a worry tone,

"Mum called and I last track of time."

"Oh, how's mum?" ash asked,

"She's good, worried about us and Madi... other than that she good. Oh and she sends her love."

New chapter! this is just a filler chapter! but I hoped you guys liked it! :) yea, I'm not sure on how I feel about this chapter /: yea, I'll post a new chapter sometime soon:)


Stay beautiful lovelies! 😘

Peace out Girl Scout✌️

-Chloe 🐳

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