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Harry's pov

" ash, please just talk to me please I'm sorry."

"Whatever, Harry just go get Madi. maybe when I see Madi is alive and ok I'll talk to you." Ash said turning to leave.

"You don't want to go with me?"

"No, because if I do Justin will no longer be alive. just please take one of the other boys."

"It's going to be me, Paul, an FBI agent, and Niall."

"Niall is not going with you!"

"We need him."

"No you don't take Lou, Zayn, or even Liam. but please just don't take Niall."

"Don't take Niall where?" Ni said as he walked up and wrapped his arms around my sisters waist.

"You are not going Niall!" ash said

"Why not?"

"Because I can't protect you out there.that's why."

"You know what, I'll just see if I can get the other boys to go." I said

"No, in going." Niall chimed in

"No your not and that's final."

"Ashly just because your my girlfriend that doesn't mean you can make choices for me." this is not going to go well.

"Niall just shut up now while your ahead." I whispered

"Well you know what Niall, if you go then our relationship is over." Ash yelled.

"You don't mean that ash, you're just stressed, and you're not thinking." I said trying to fix this before it got to bad.

"I am thinking, Harry!"

"Well then I guess this relationship is over then." Oh lord,

"No, you two are not ending this relationship over some stupid crap! Niall you will not be going with me. now both you talk this out. before I have knock some sense into your heads." I walk over to the door and leave, oh they better hope they get through this.

Ashly's pov



"Why would you end our relationship so easily?" Niall asked looking into my eyes. The tears just start to fall.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean what I said. Harry was right I'm stressed and I just took it all out on you... And I'm sorry." I buried my face into Niall neck.

"I'm sorry too."

"Let's just go to sleep."

Madi's pov

Today's the day my friends will come and save me. I haven't seen the light of day in 2 and 1/2 weeks, I haven't been able to shower since I've been here. I'm shanked of my thoughts by Justin, or that's what I thought... the person I saw in front of me was the last person I thought I would ever see...



I did not proof read so sorry if there's any missed spelled words grammar errors or any other mistakes.

I'm going to leave it here, I will explain who Matt is in the next chapter. guys I start school in less than 2 weeks D: so updates will be slow and plus I'm working on 3 books so I'm trying to keep them all updated :)

What did you guys think about ash and Niall little argument? or about Harry's change in attitude? I really hope you guys like this chapter. it's a little longer than my other chapters. but I really hope you guys like it!;)

I have a one direction preferences, imagines,and one shots so if you guys don't mind to go check it out it would mean the world to me :D and if you want one just comment on the story.

Well I think that covers everything.

Plz: vote/comment/ share it would me every thing to me :)

Bye lovelies love you guys so much!!!

Stay beautiful!! 😘

-Chloe 🐳

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