Unexpected Ch.10

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*the next day*

iMessage: diego 💔❤️
Yaz: diego please answer
Yaz: diego Just please listen.
Yaz: diego, come outside.
The door opens and Diego comes outside.
I go in for a hug but he slightly pushes me.
"You have five minutes to talk" he said.
"Okay look when we went to the mall you made get over Carlos and start liking you."
"How am I suppose to believe you, how come you never told me this?" He said.
"Because diego! I was trying to get over Carlos!"
"So you used me to get over him?" He said.
"Yes..well not like that, you made me fall for you"
"Okay" He said.
I went in for a hug again and he slightly pushed away again.
"But we have to be just friends... for now"
" but, but I want to be with you" I felt tears falling from my eyes.
"Me too but not right now I'm sorry" he said.

*time skip*
I ended booking a flight home because I didn't want it to be awkward between me and Diego.

*time skip*I ended booking a flight home because I didn't want it to be awkward between me and Diego

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@babydiego is typing...
Snapchat from @babydiego
Diego: stop playing with me.
Yaz: What do you mean???
Diego: " wanna bae"
Yaz : I want you 🤷🏽‍♀️
Diego: I want you to but you play to much 🤷🏽‍♀️
Yaz: diego your so confusing
Diego: IM CONFUSING?? Yeah okay.

 Yaz: What do you mean???Diego: " wanna bae" Yaz : I want you 🤷🏽‍♀️Diego: I want you to but you play to much 🤷🏽‍♀️Yaz: diego your so confusingDiego: IM CONFUSING?? Yeah okay

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@yazonlinespam: I miss FaceTiming my boy:(
@babydiego: 🤷🏽‍♀️

iMessage: diego
Yaz: Gm ❤️
Yaz: Gn ❤️
Yaz: hey
Diego: hi?
Yaz: look, I'm sorry Diego I really am, but there's nothing I can do know then both of us move and and restart because I still like you but obviously you don't.
Diego: I do. I just need time okay?
Yaz: ok.

*time skip*

Rose POV:"What's wrong with yaz?" Alex said"I don't know why" "Her snapchat, She seems sad" he said

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Rose POV:
"What's wrong with yaz?" Alex said
"I don't know why"
"Her snapchat, She seems sad" he said.
"I'll call her, but be quit I don't want her to know your in the room just in case she feels uncomfortable"
"Alright I'll go over here" he moved to the corner of the room"
Yaz POV:
Rosey would like for FaceTime you
<accept or decline call>
<call accepted>
"Hey rosey"
"Hi how is it in New Jersey" she said.
"Um I'm home"
"What??, I thought you were with Diego" rose said.
" um we got in a fight"
Rose POV:
I look at alex from across the room looking at me in shock.
"What happen?"
"He found out I use to like Carlos" Yaz said.
"Oh my god did you explain t-
"I did, but he said he needs some time to get over it" Yaz said.
"Aw well I hope you guys sort things out before homecoming"
"Me to, hey did you ever tell Alex you-
"Yaz I have to go"
"Oh okay b-
*beep beep beep*
"Tell me what?" Alex said.
"That um she doesn't like Carlos anymore" I said.
"Oh" he said confused.
"Isn't it crazy how close we became" he said.
"Yeah" I said.

@diegospam: Tb 💔

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@diegospam: Tb 💔

*post deleted five minutes later*

*screenshot of Diego's post*
: looks like Yaz & diego arnt a thing anymore ☕️
Diego pov :
*@yazonline sent you post by @thevividshaderoom *
Yaz: What's this about?
Diego: nothing.
*one month later*
Alex pov:
*carlos wants to FaceTime you*
<accept or decline call>
<call accepted>
"Hey brother"
"Hey so I'm getting kinda worried" Carlos said.
"Me and Alma haven't really been talking a lot"
"Dude chill I-
"Like she hasn't texted me in a two days, and I asked her that I want to fly out to her for today but she never answered" Carlos said.
"Didn't she say she was sick?"
"Well she only had the flew she should be good now right?" Carlos said.
"Call her then call me back & make sure to pack we're leaving for tour this weekend"
"Okay bye" Carlos said.
Alma's pov:
<Carlos wants to FaceTime you>
<accept or decline call>
<call declined>
<Carlos wants to FaceTime you>
<accept or decline call>
<call declined>
<Carlos is calling you>
<accept or decline call>
<call accepted>
"Hey babe" carlos said.
"Hi i miss you"
"I miss you to, how come you haven't been answering my calls or text" Carlos said.
"Sorry I've just been getting more sick"
"Maybe you should go to the doctor" Carlos said.
"No I think I'll be fine"
"Oh okay, but do you want me to fly out early for you birthday because I leave for tour this weekend" carlos said.
"No! Don't fly out"
"Uh why?" Carlos said.
"Because I'm sick."
"Okay but I can still be with you" Carlos said.
"But you really shouldn't be wasting your money just for us to stay at home"
"I'm not waisting my money if I'm going to see you" Carlos said.
"Be right back"
"Uh Okay"

"Alma what happen???" Alma's mom said from the other room.
"Carlos and call you later"
What happ-
Call ended.
Rose pov:
"You want to play never have I ever?" Alex said.
"Never have I ever had a crush on my bestfriend"
I didn't put my finger down because I was to scared that he would figure it out.
"Me either" alex said.
I fake laughed.
"Never have I ever h- oh wait hang on Yaz texted me something"
"Oh okay" I said and rolled my eyes.
"Look she slide up on my story and said date" he said laughing.
"Wow" I said.
"It's not we would ever date huh?" He said.
"What the heck."
"What?" He said.
"I'm tired of getting led on by you! One minute I think you like me and then you friend zone me!"
"Wait what I'm not-
"Just shut up. It's obvious you like Yaz, but why couldn't you just say that! Instead of me thinking there could be something between us!" I said getting up.
"Rose stop" alex said.
"It's like you purposely did this I-
I was interrupted by his lips crashing into mine. I kissed back. Butterflies.
"I always liked you, I just thought you were to good for me" He said and kissed me again.

(LMAO y'all are probably shook af. Yaz #ralex is happening! I just want to say thank you guys for all the love on this trashy book. Like I'd never thought people would actually read thus & be so sweet. Like you guys are litterly the best omg. & it's about to hit 900 reads LIKE WHAT. I love everyone supporting me with this 💞💓💞💓💞. Thanks for everyone texting me nice things(:
Feel free to text me your ideAs and guesses. THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN. Well buckle your seat belts cuz you only gets problematic from here(:)

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