It's the last day of school. Finally. Me and Crystal were walking out of school while listening/ dancing to Sorry Sorry from Super Junior. Crystal has been my Bsf since the beginning of high school now we are in 11th grade well soon to go to our last year of high school. She's the only friend I have. I really don't like to have a lot of friends from our school only bc they are fake.
"Y/n do you want to get ice cream" - Crystal "Ya sure" We went to the ice cream shop and got out ice cream. "Omg they just posted" "Who"-Crystal "Stray kids" "Oh"- Crystal I was obsessed with stray kids even before they debuted. My bias was Felix. Me and Crystal got up and walked to our homes. When I got home I didn't see my mom as usual. She always comes later. And my dad has been staying more late at work than usual. "Lily" I said cheerfully Lily is my dog. I got her when I turned 15. I go up to my room and start teaching myself korean. The languages I know right know is English, Spanish, Chinese and a korean. I know Spanish because my dad's family speaks Spanish, English because I was born in LA , Chinese because we lived there for 3 years. So I wasn't really born in Australia. We've moved so many times only because of my dad's job. I'm teaching myself Korean because I want to communicate with my idols. Crystal also helps me since she's Korean. Minutes later I hear my mom come in. She just opened the door and sees me then closes it. Sometimes I feel like she's a stalker. Soon I received 4 texts from a gc.
Stray kids Girlz
chang_101: Did you guys see changbin's post omg he's so cute Jkdjdj_hyunjin: Yes I did I wish I can just squeeze his cheeks. Aussie.Chan: Guys Chan just posted >_< StrayKids.aren't.strays: Girl calm down You: Done spamming? Aussie.Chan: Sorry You: It's ok :) StrayKids.aren't.strays: So what you guys up to Chang_101: Nothing and I have to go now I still need to do homework school is so unfair >_< Jkdjdj_hyunjin: I'm out of school already You: Same here I just got out today Chang_101: Lucky But gtg bye You: I also have to go now bye guys
I loves those girls. I met them at Stray Kids'S fansign. 1 lives in LA. Other one in Canada. And two of them live in Korea but know how to speak English. I check my phone it was 6:00 pm. * sighs* It's still early. Hmm what should I do. I get up and go down stairs and see my mom. I get my dog and put on her leash and leave the house. Me and mom haven't been talking a lot the past 2 days that's only because she's been looking mad lately and I seriously don't like talking to her when she's mad it's scary. I start walking my dog. I was heading to Crystal's house to see if she wanted to walk for a bit. I was looking at my phone when I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry I wasn't looking" "Ha it's ok" -??? The voice sounds familiar I look up to see who it was and I seriously regret looking up. "Oh hi Andrew" * fake smiles* "What are you doing here all alone"-Andrew "I'm not alone I'm with my dog and she bites so get out of my way" * glares * "Do you hate me that much"-Andrew "Yes I do now move" * You push him out of the way* I seriously hate him I wish he can just disappear from my life. Ahhhhhh. Your probably wondering why I hate him so much. The reason is bc he is a total fuck boy and just plays with girls. He started to bully me for a whole year which was 11th grade. I decide not to go to Crystal's house anymore and go back to my house. Once I've arrived at my house it was time to eat dinner. It was just me and my mom eating dinner my dad said he had to stay late at work. Once I finished I washed up and went to sleep.
Ok um... sorry if it was boring it will get better later on ... hopefully. This story was in my mind and I wanted to share it with you guys. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Lots of love for you guys ❤️❤️. I'll just leave this here ⬇️
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