Running away

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After hearing my mom saying that I run up to my room. I started to cry more. I couldn't stop crying it hurt a lot. Even though I thought my mom was weird I still liked her but now she hates me. "Fine then I'll leave from your life like you said" I said to myself.  I get a backpack and start packing some clothes, money, and other stuff. I can't leave right now I'll have to wait till it's midnight.

1:30am Saturday

I first see if my mom is down stairs. She wasn't there so I go back and get my backpack. "I'll miss you lily." I open the door and leave the house. Your probably wondering where I will hid, well you see me and Crystal found his abandon little house  last year witch was an hour away walking. It was worth going there since I had no where to go and I didn't want to go to Crystal's house only because I don't want to worry her parents. In that little house it has a small kitchen, living room, and also bedroom. Me and Crystal decorated it so it's not bad the only thing is that there is no light there so we basically use candles.  An hour passed and I got here I was tired of walking. I open the door and turn on my flashlight from my phone. I get a candle from the small table that was there. I'm trying not to use my phone since there isn't light here but I brought my portable charger just in case. I lay in the small sofa and sleep.

9:00 am Saturday
I wake up and I see that I'm not in my room. "Why am I- oh I remember" I get up and brush my teeth. Let me tell you why I slept on the sofa. In the small room it's our "kpop room" we just have a table in there, two beanbags, some posters, and extra supplies. We don't really have a bed in there. We have snacks here don't worry they aren't expired we at least come here three or two times a month so we bring new snacks. That should keep me from starving. Time skips its 7:00pm. I get up from the sofa and head to the kitchen and grab a snack so far i've had only 1 thing which was a gronola bar in the morning.

Mom pov

y/n hasn't came out of her room. Whatever it's her fault that her dad left .

The next day

It's 4:00pm and Y/n hasn't came out of her room.
"Y/n do you want to eat something?"
No response. "Fine then you can starve yourself I don't care!!!" Then I left to eat.

Monday 5:00pm

I go to y/n room she hasnt came oitnof her room for almost two days. I go up to her room and knock.    "Y/n I'm sorry for what I did you haven't been eating can we at least talk?" I tried opening he door but it was locked. I go to my room to get the key for the bedrooms and unlock Y/n bedroom. I opened the door and saw that no one was there then I checked the bathroom no one was there. Then I went to her closest she wasn't there either but I saw a lot hold her clothes on the floor and then I started to cry.

I called Crystal's mom to see if Y/n was hiding there but they said she wasn't there. I called the police saying that she ran away. Crystal's family and me were looking for her everywhere by there was no sign of her. "If only I wasn't so mean to her that day this wouldn't be happening." I said while crying. "Don't cry you were just angry that day and you weren't thinking right." Crystal's mom said while patty my back. "Where can Y/n be she doesn't have anymore friends except you." "Wait I think Ik where she is, last year we found this abandoned little house she could be hiding there" Crystal said. "Then let's go hurry get in my car" I said.

We all got in the car and I drove to the place. We got there and it was 11:00. I got out of the car and ran inside the house but the door was locked. "I have a key hold up" Crystal said. I then opened the door and saw Y/n. She was sleeping on the couch. I go up to her and hug her but softly so she won't wake up. "I missed you Y/n".  I carried her into the car. I dropped off  Crystal's family. Once we got to our house I carried Y/n to her room. " You probably didn't eat a lot hope you sleep well now."


Y/n Pov

I woke up and that I wasn't in the little house anymore but I was in my own room. "Why am I here, did they find me?" I said confused. I walked down stairs to the kitchen. I saw a munch of food and a note. Note: "Eat up I know you didn't eat. We'll talk when I come home I'll explain everything. -mom" I smile at the note. I eat up what my mom cooked me. Then I get a text.

Crystal: Y/n get ready at 1:00 my cousins coming

Y/n: today!!? Omg really!!!

Crystal: Yes and you better now?

Y/n: Yes

Crystal: Well I need to get the house ready so bye

Y/n: bye

To be continued...

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