I get up from the couch but stop after hearing Chan's voice. "Where are you going?" "Um... outside." "Why?" "Because I'm bored." "Okay don't come back late then." "I'll come with you too." Changbin said. "I also wanna come." Jisung shouted. "What no I'm se-....I wanna go alone." " How come?" "Because I want to... you know what I'm just leaving bye." I got out before they would ask me more questions. "Shit hiding this from them will be hard." I then get in the car.
You get a text from Felix saying he's outside. "Don't come back late." "I won't mom." With that you left. You saw Felix waiting outside the car. You ran to him and hugged him. "I missed you." "I missed you too come on lets go." You get in.
●At the Ice Cream shop●
You two were sitting at a table eating your ice cream. "Ya so I think they'll find out soon about us." Felix said. "Well I mean if you don't make it obvious wait nvm they will still know." You gasp when you saw a familiar face. "What." Felix was about to turn his face but you grabbed it with your hands. "What's wrong is that bastard here again!?" "No but Crystal is." He turns slowly seeing her with another guy. "IS THAT HER BOYFRIEND!" "Shut up!" "Is that her boyfriend?" "No well I don't think so they just met yesterday." "Oh he's too good looking for her." "He's more adorable in person aww." Felix just looks at you. "Wow." "Oh sorry but he is." You saw that they were coming in this direction. "They're coming." You covered your face with your hands. "Are they coming?" You felt Felix hands holding yours. "They sat in the other side." "Ok good." "Y/n." "What." "You look adorable." "Thanks?" "Come on lets finish this." You guys finished it and got up. You went behind Felix. "What are you doing?" "I'm hiding from her." He pulls your hand so your standing next to him. "I don't care if they find out anymore." You just looked down because you were blushing. "Come on let's go to the mall." You head to the door. The rest of the day you guys were at the mall then went to the park. It was getting late so he took you back to the hotel. "Tomorrow I'll be busy so I can't spend the day with you." Felix said hugging you. "It's ok I understand." "Go in It's getting cold." You nod and gave a quick peck on his lips. He stood there in shock. Once he turned around you were inside the hotel.
Felix Pov
I opened the door and went to the living room. "Enjoyed your date?" Jisung said. "What date?" "What did you want Jisung." Chan said coming in living room. "He's dating your best friend." Changbin said. "You guys have no proof." "Try me." Jisung said pulling out his phone. He got up and showed me and Chan some pictures.
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"What the heck Jisung you followed us the whole day!". "It was Changbins idea." "What me! You made me come up with the idea." Changbin said. "It was still your idea Changbin." Chan said. "BUT MY SHIP FINALLY SAILED!" Chan was yelling/screaming like a fangirl when they see their bias taking off their shirt revealing their cute tummies. (a/n: MOOD) "Your acting like Seungmin when he sees Jeongin in the morning." "Aww you guys look cute in the last picture." Chan said. "How long have you guys been together?" Jisung asked. "Um.... Yesterday." "Does Crystal know?" Chan asked. "No we saw her at the ice cream shop Y/n was trying to hide from her but Crystal was too busy with her boyfrie-." I stopped speaking after I realized what I was saying. "Finish the sentence Felix."Chan said. "Well they aren't dating they just met yesterday." "Crystal is dead." Changbin said. "Crystal still hasn't changed I swear." Chan said. "I mean let her be Chan she's old enough to have a boyfriend." Chan just glared at Felix. "I...was...just...saying." "I'll talk to her tomorrow about THAT guy." "Why is it bad for her to have a boyf-" Jisung stopped when Chan walked closer tp him. "I'll just go to sleep now." Jisung speed walk out of there. "We'll also go to sleep it's not because you look scary right now it's because we're sleepy." I said pulling Changbin away from him. We then walked into our bedroom. "Felix your stupid." "I know."