Protect pt.2

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"Let go of her!" I turn my head and see Andrew. He gets him and punches him. "Don't touch her." Then the guy left. "Are you ok?" "Did he hurt you?" he said looking at you worried. "Ya i'm ok thx for saving me there." He pulled you into a hug. " I know they will come back and try to hurt you but I won't let that happen to you." "Let me protect you
Y/n." You guys let go of each other. You were shocked of what he said. "And why would you protect me if you've bullied me." "I want to protect you bc I love you Y/n and I only did that bc I liked you and wanted to get those feelings away but they only grew stronger." He said looking into my eyes. "What if this is just a game your pulling on me and only want to use me as a toy." "I only did that so I could make you jealous but ig it only made you hate me."he looked down. "I still don't believe you." then I walked away.

Andrew Pov

She didn't believe me. I'll show her that I truly love her. I went inside the ice cream shop and bought an ice cream cake. Then I walked to Y/n house. I put the ice cream cake on the ground and knock. I hid behind a tree and saw her come out. She picked up the cake and reas the note. Then she went inside.

Y/n Pov

I heard someone knocking on the door. "It better not be Andrew or else I'll slap him." I open the door and see no one there. I look down and see a cake with a note. "It was my fault you dropped your ice cream. I know this is your favorite flavor ice cream cake. Hope you enjoy it I just want you to believe that I truly like you and am not using you as a toy". -Andrew. I close the door. "That's creepy that he knows my favorite flavor ice cream cake but it's cute." "Wait no Y/n you can't fall this easily!" I go to my table and cut a slice. "Omg this is soo bomb ahhh food is life!" Once I was done I put the cake in the refrigerator. I go up to my room and text Crystal.



Crystal: SPILL!!!!

You: When I was leaving the ice cream shop this guy came up to me and made me drop my ice cream then he pinned me to the wall and was getting closer to me but then Andrew came and saved me.

Crystal: Tf Y/n you need to be careful but also wtf he saved you!!!?

You: Yes but then he said he wanted to protect me and that he likes me but I didn't believe him so I left.

Crystal: You did good Y/n

You:But then he brought me my favorite ice cream cake and it came with a note.

*sends her a picture of the note*

Crystal: Omg what if he does like you but then he did play with alot of girls

You:He said he did that bc he wanted to make me jealous but he saw that I was only hating him and he looked sad. Idk if I should believe him.

Crystal: Dude just wait for a week and see if he keeps this up.

You: Ok thx Idk what I would do without you

Crystal: Np and Chris is calling me on the phone rn bye

You: Ok bye

"Should I give him a chance? Nah he's probably just going to play with me." I see that Straykids went live. It was only Chan,Felix,Hyunjin,and Jisung. Them:Hello guys You: Hello Channbnnnsnnnf (it was a way for you to let him know you were there) Chan: Hello peeeeeeeople Felix: We already said hello Chan:What if I want to say hello again? Jisung don't get mad Chan: I'm not getting mad. Hyunjin: Ok it just sounded like it. You: Felix looks cute today Hyunjin: Someone said Felix looks cute today Chan: Let me see oh Felix: Thank you but you look cuter *making a heart* You text Chan.



Bsf: He doesn't ....yet


Bsf:I won't 😂

You went to the live again and stayed there for a hour then it finished. Chan texted you saying he would ft you. You wanted to eat cake again so you went to the kitchen to get a piece of it. You were eating then Chan called you. "Hello" "What are you eating?" "Wow not even a hi bsf? and I'm eating ice cream cake." "You bought Ice cream cake?" "No this guy who aperatly likes me bought it for me." "Do you like him?" "No" "Why?" "Bc he played with girls!!" "Oh ya then don't date him." "I won't" "I don't want anyone to hurt my bsf." "Awww that's gross...Jk." "You hurt my feelings." "I said I was joking." "Just date already." -Woojin. "What no she's my bsf." "He's too old." "Wdym I'm only 3 years older I'm not that old!" "Im just playing you would have known if you weren't so old." "I'm- nvm why are you even here Woojin." "I came to tell you that Jisung and Seungmin keeps bothering Jeongin." "Ok I'll go rn." "They act like little kids not even me." "Ok but I have to go bye bsf." "Bye B-." "Hyung Seungmin keeps bothering m- who you talking to?" "My bsf." "What ever Jeongin says is a- who's she,she's pretty." "Jeongin come bac- is she your gf?" "Nah  that's just Chan's bsf." "I'll leave now." "Ya you should bye." "Wait we wanna talk-" He hanged up.

Chan Pov

"Why did you hang up hyung?"-Jeongin. "Ya we wanted to talk to her"-Jisung. "But you guys can't bc you'll just scare her away." "We wouldn't!"-Seungmin. Chan looks at him. "Fine we would b-." "Quiet now stop bothering each other." "Ok." all three of them say and leave his room.

End of Chan Pov

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