Haunting History Part 2 (Chapter 3)

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Start writing your story


Y/N: Your name

L/N: Last name

e/c: eye color

n/n: nickname

Y/N's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next day, I was surprisingly already up before my alarm tried to wake me up. Since I was already dressed and ready, I rush down the stairs and sit down at one of the bar stools in the Agreste kitchen. Yep. You heard me.

{Bad reader! No breaking fourth walls!

Reader: sorry... Kinda...

Adrien: what is she sorry about?

Reader: A-Adrien!!! Hi! Uh.... Nothing?

Me: the reader broke the fourth wall.

Adrien: gasps. Y/N!

Me: Alright, alright. We need to continue.

Adrien: but-

Me: no buts.

Adrien: can I at least ask her why-

Me: no spoilers!!!

Adrien: alright...}

The chef places a plate of giant fluffy (flavor) Japanese pancakes in front of me. I smile softly, adding my favorite toppings on them and picking up my fork.

The chef does the dishes and makes another meal for someone else, I'm assuming Natalie, while I gobble down my pancakes, ready to start the day and possibly meet new potential friends.

Natalie comes on while I'm eating with her tablet, containing someone's schedule. It looks really busy.

Poor person who has this schedule... I'd hate to have that.

"Y/N, you have school starting in three days, we need to get you school supplies. "

I nod.

"Of course, Aunt Natalie. Oh! I'm headed out, alright?"

She nods.

"Alright. "

I rush to grab my backpack with my camera, my phone, some extra cash my headphones and a couple other things for the day.

"Bye Natalie. I'll be back before dinner like you asked. "

I close my eyes and breath in the fresh air as I step outside. It's a beautiful day out... I sigh. To bad I might be doing some evil...

{I was typing 'doing' and it literally auto corrected to 'Dijon'... How are you hungry, dear reader? You just ate pancakes. }

"Y/n? What are you doing here?"

I snap out of my thoughts and find a blond staring down at me.

"Hey Adrien. "

He smiles and sits next to me.

"Are you here to visit moi? I'm so touched. "

He winks and smiles playfully.

I giggle and rest my chin in the palm of my hand.

"Sorry Agreste. That isn't the case. "

He tilts his head slightly in confusion.


Hehe... We think Adrien is cute! Yesssssssss!!!!

Geez....why are you here again?

Because I'm you. I can't leave.

I wish you would.

Hey! You're mean...

Don't you mean, we're mean?


I chuckle at myself and he looks so at me in even deeper confusion. I sigh, remembering that I have to explain to him why in the world I was laughing, and why I was here in the first place.

"Alright. So..." I said, taking a deep breath after I was done laughing. "My mother and father. They..."

Were killed.

"They died in a car accident a couple months back." I paused and looked at the ground, trying to not tell the complete story and give away my identity. Well, my villain identity.

Adrien's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She pause and concern and sorrow washed over my face.

"Oh Y/N... I'm so sorry. "

She visually tensed, but the tension washed away when my emerald eyes clashed with her beautiful (e/c) orbs. She smiles shyly and looks down at her hands as she fidgeted with a diamond ring on her right hand. I took her hand into mine and inspected the ring closer.

"Is this... a wedding ring?"

She nods.

"It was my mothers. I wear it to remember her.The rescue workers said that they found this ring and my fathers ring along with it. I have my fathers at home."

Out of instinct, I bring her hand to my lips and pressed a kiss to the top of her hand. I smile softly as I notice she's blushing. I decide to tease her a little.

"Are you okay, Y/N? You're red."

"Y-yeah...I'm fine, Agreste. "

I raise my eyebrow and smirk.

"Agreste? I haven't been called by just my last name before. "

I notice a smirk start to tug on her lips.

"Oh? And what are you used to being called?"

I smirk wider. She'd fallen right into my trap.

"Oh...Handsome, smart, a gentleman, hot. "

I winked at her and she gaped at me.

She elbowed me.

"Whatever..." She huffed.

"Those things may be true but you don't have to rub it in..." She muttered under her breath, thinking that I couldn't hear her. But thanks to my improved sense, due to having the cat miraculous, I heard her loud and clear.

"What was that, n/n?"

She turns red and turns away.


"Alright. So, are you going to tell me why you're here, again?"

"Oh...right. Well, a few weeks before my parents died, I found out that Natalie was my aunt, and apparently she was the only relative of mine left alive. So I came to live here."

"Wait...so you're living here?"

She nods, looking confused.

"I just said that...."

"Oh, right. Sorry. It was just surprising, I guess."

She giggles softly.

Wow..her giggle is so cute.

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