They're here... (chap. 5 pt 2)

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Hey guys! Just informing you that this chapter is the stone heart chapter! I'm excited to be starting the akumas and adding chat noir and ladybug to the mix.
Also, I would love to hear any feedback from you! Don't be worried about offending me, because I know you're just helping become a better writer.

Hope you have a good morning/day/afternoon/night!)


talics: Y/n's thoughts
Italics & underline: Y/n's conscious

I glanced at the purple brooch flashing at me from its spot pinned on my blouse.
Putting my head in my hands, I rubbed my temples and tried to think.

Gosh...I can't deal with this today.
But you don't exactly have a choice, now do you Y/N??
No, but-
Not buts. Unless you want to be homeless, or even an orphan living in a stranger's house or orphanage, then you have got to stay here. At least you're in Paris, the city of love!!
You also get to spend time with the cutie named Adrien!

I sighed and snatched my backpack from the car, yelling to Natalie about being back soon and to tell Mr. Agreste that I was working on the project for him. He was sitting in the limo, ready to take me to the meeting, which turns out, was not with Mr. Agreste, just at his fashion company.
Running straight to the Agreste household, I scrambled up the stairs and ran to my room, yanking my favorite colored messenger bag open, which was dangling near my hips.
Nooroo flew out, sadness consuming his face. I let out a deep sigh.
"I know, Nooroo, I wish it didn't have to be this way too. You and I both know that nothing can change until Mr. Agreste is happy. "
He nodded his cute purple head sadly.
"I know, Y/N. I just wish I could keep you out of this. I wouldn't mind working for Mr. Agreste by myself, but I dearly wish I could keep you out of this. What he did to you was absolutely horrific." His eyebrows drew together, a pout overtaking his little face.
I gave a small smile to the floating creature in front of me and patted his head softly.
"Ready, Nooroo?" He gave me a small smile and a nod. "Nooroo, dark -uh... Let's-let's change that. Nooroo, wings rise!"

He gave a tiny chuckle before being sucked into the broach.

Placing my hands over my brooch, I glided them across my collarbone and to my shoulders, as if pulling the magic out to flow freely out from the gem. Tingles ran across my chest, spreading over my arms and torso and down my legs, covering me in a light purple butterfly costume with gold accents, large gold wings bursting out from my back. When the magic swirled down my arms, I was given an elegant scepter, purple with a light purple tinted glass dome on the top. Bringing my hands up to my face, I swiped my hands across my eyes and cheekbones, feeling the magic run through my hands and swirl across my face, creating a beautiful dark purple butterfly shaped mask with gold creating patterned swirls throughout the mask. Bring my hands up, I stroked my hair, pulling it into a fun new hair style.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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