Chapter 4

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Hey! I wanted to mention that this story isn't going to be exact to the show, even though I wish it could be. If it was exact, I would have to do some major editing, and I apologize.

Y/N's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"You're such a tease!"
Marinette cries as she hides her dark red face in her hands and curls up in a tiny ball on her chaise.

This only succeeds in making me laugh harder, tears streaming down my checks as I continue to think of ways to tease her about her major crush on the kid I'm currently living with.

"Oh Mari... You're going to have to talk to him about that sometime...maybe even ask him on a date." I prod her side with a finger, a smirk resting on my lips.

She squeaks.

"No!! I don't have to tell him. I don't have to ever. Never ever. " She focuses on staring at the ground, but glances at me momentarily with a questioning look.

An amused smirk crawls across my lips as I let out a loose chuckle.

"Nope. He's going to have to know eventually. And you know that I'll get you to ask him somehow."

She glares at me from between her fingers. She sighs after a second, removing her hands away from her face.
"Yeah. I know. "

I giggle and jump up suddenly.
"Let's watch a movie. "

Marinette, who was staring at me in surprise from my sudden suggestion, blinks and nods.
I pull out my laptop and log onto Netflix. What to watch...

Marinette points to one of the movies that came up in the suggestions. It was a Ladybug based anime movie that I had watched over and over again, and didn't mind watching again. I smile and go to click on it when I see Princess Diaries next to it. I squeal and point to the movie.

"I love this movie!!!"

Marinette looks at me in confusion.
"What's it about?"

I stare at her in utter shock.
"You've never watched Princess Diaries?"

She shakes her head slowly.
"No...should I have?"

"Uh, yeah! Go get some snacks, girl!"

She laughs and runs downstairs to the kitchen.

As soon as I click on the movie, my phone dings with a text. I knew exactly who it was from because of the special tone I had set.

Boss: First job is to be done this week.

I scowl at my phone, not wanting this to be my reality. Don't get me wrong, I love being in Paris with some of my best friends! But I desperately wish that I could have moved here with my parents, out of choice. But sadly...
I shake my head to rid myself of those thoughts and my fingers end up finding their way to the tiny purple brooch pinned unhappily to my blouse.


I gasp as Marinette ducks the piece of popcorn I intentionally threw at her and pout while she laughs evilly.

"No fair! You can't just duck!" I cross my arms and glare playfully at Mari.

I continue to attempt to hit her with my popcorn, while she just laughs until she's down on her knees, tears of absolute and evil joy streaming down her face. I sit down on the edge of Marinette's chaise and cross my arms, narrowing my eyes at the ravenette haired girl kneeling on the floor next to me.
She eventually collects herself and climbs the couple stairs to her bed and I follow her to finish watching the last 20 minutes of Princess Diaries 2.
Somehow, we end up browsing Netflix after that, and when I checked them time on my phone, my eyes flew open wide.

"Mari! It's 8 'clock! Oh gosh. I'm going to be in so much trouble. " I mutter to myself.

"What's so important that you had to be home by eight?"

"I was supposed to be back for dinner at five! Natalie's probably freaking out right now."
Sure enough, when I check my phone and see 25 missed calls from her, and ...the Gorilla? Huh. I never get calls from him. I mean, he doesn't speak after all.

I quickly shut the lap top, shoving it into my bag hurriedly. I run down her steps, only to pause and head back up to give Mari a good bye hug.

As soon as I got to the shiny golden gates up in front of the Agreste mansion, I ring the door bell, and bit my bottom lip nervously. Luckily, Adrien answered so I knew I wouldn't get into trouble right away. I slide inside the gates and quietly run to the door, opening it and heading straight to my room.
I put away all the items in my bag and picked up a few items on the floor to make my room more 'presentable', according to Mr. Agreste. I sit in the rolling chair by my desk and plug in my camera to the computer sitting atop the white surface. While editing and viewing the photos I had taken since I had gotten here, I come across a few with my parents in them. I swallow thickly and feel the tears stinging my eyes. A knock sounded on the only thing that separated my tears from being seen by the outside world, including Adrien. I swipe the tears from my eyes and walk to the door.

I was surprised to find that Adrien was standing outside my door, Agreste brand pajamas fitting him nicely.
"Hey..." I mutter softly, not wanting him to hear the strain in my voice from crying.

"Hey." He repeats, a lopsided, yet soft smile on his face.

"Do you...want to come in, or something? I don't really know. " I laugh halfheartedly and open the door wider for him to come in.

"Alright. Only if you're sure, though. "

"Sure of what?"

"That you want me in your room. It is a private space, and all. "

I blink at him, not expecting him to be this polite. How could someone so...amazing be the son of someone so horrid?
After a second, I realize I hadn't answered him and I give him a soft smile.

"I'm sure. "

Thanks for reading.
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Love ya!
Stay sweet!

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