Chapter 1- Welcome to the world of idolhood!

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Mai Kohaku looked at the sky, sighing to herself as she clenched her fist- playing the latest defeat continuously in her mind to try and pin-point the weak spot in the performance.

"It was the girls, the singing and dancing was fine and so was the Pokémon aspect of them. But they had no dynamic, no bond together." Mai sighed, closing her eyes- as the current Oracle Of Origin at Origin Academy she was the top idol and the chosen one of Arceus. Hiro Hinata walked over, she was one of the top idols at the academy as well. She secretly doubted Mai's integrity and often wondered if Arceus had actually chosen the girl- not like it mattered in the end, Mai terrified Hiro either way.

"You must be.... very... Troubled by tonight's defeat, Mai." Hiro mumbled, looking at Mai.

"Please, Hinata- last names. And yes, I'm annoyed. They beat us with freaking sticks, Hinata, sticks!" Mai cooled down, taking a deep breath and facing Hiro. "Has Celebi shown you any new visions of the future?"

Hiro shook her head, looking at the sky.

"Not for some time, no whispers come to me during performances anymore it seems..." Hiro and Mai stood there for a moment looking up at the sky before suddenly something flickered through Hiro's eyes. Celebi was showing her something, something very important. Something, she was determined not to let Mai know about.

Lovesickness alone, will bring in someone destined to stop the Delta.


"Yeah, we got tickets to Mai's concert and they're exclusive and everything!"

"Aw, c'mon- the Oracle of Origin? What about the Detla Empress?! They're much cooler!"

"Well, whatever- I'm going to become an idol and outshine both of them with my Aikatsu skills!"

My name is Ayo Asami and this is a conversation that I witness a lot, not because I'm in it. But because, I'm watching them. You see, I have a crush on a girl called Hotaru Kana- my lifelong sorta friend. As you can probably tell I'm just the run of the mill girl with a run of the mill life, expect for one tiny detail. My family is made up of retired team rocket grunts trying their hand at being Yakuza. It's a little exhausting but I deal with it, being the Second in commands' daughter. Mainly because the head's daughter is Hotaru herself. And I get to spend a lot of time with her when I'm not trying to please my father and the endless grunts. Although, now I have an opportunity to get away from everyone and still be with Hontaru! Hontaru is applying to Origin Academy, one of the best idol schools around. And well, of course she's going to get in! So even if I don't really care for all that idol stuff I'm going to attempt to get in, and I'm working my damn hardest for it. So just y'all wait! Me and my trapinch will get in for sure! Preparing for the audition was hard and tedious I had to stop myself from eating things I liked and I had to stop myself from not eating at all. There was a whole lot of jogging but I presumed it would all be worth it in the end. I sucked at dancing and singing wasn't the best, but the one thing I could do was plan the Pokémon performance part of the song. The debuts only allowed one Pokémon on stage with you so I went with my Trapinch, Ette- my lifelong partner. The day had come, I was worried I hadn't practiced enough- even Hotaru wasn't completely confident. I wanted to give her the best impression so I took a deep breath and put on the mask that I was confident- which I definitely wasn't. That was most of my time at the school, really. Masks, so many masks that I was someone that I was not. But then it got to my debut and I was ready to give it my all out there, so I could stay with Hotaru. I was trembling as I approached the Aikatsu machine, but I snapped myself out of it. If Hotaru could do it- so could I! I put my new school coord in and walked through, the school coord was an odd thing- I swear I'd seen it before but I just couldn't place my finger on it. As this was only my debut I didn't have a fancy coord for my Pokémon but if I did end up getting in I knew I would spoil my Pokémon rotten with coords. I shook my head, trying to knock away all distractions and focus on getting through the audition. I ran through and landed on stage.

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