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jonah's pov

i woke up to see everyone knocked out. i stood up from the couch and headed to my room.

i grabbed a towel and headed for the bathroom. i undressed and stepped into the shower.

i made my way to my room and opened my door to see corbyn sitting on my bed.

corbyn's pov

"why are you in my room?" he questioned furrowing his eyebrow at me.

"i was bored so i went looking for you and I just decided to wait here since you were in the shower" i explained.

"oh okay well can you turn around so i can change?" he asked.

"o-oh yeah sure of course," i said before shifting my body to face the wall behind me.

"you can turn around now," he said.

i turned around to face him again. he was wearing a grey tank top with grey sweatpants. is he trying to kill me?

"no why would you think that?" he asked.

"shit did I say that out loud?" i asked him.

"yeah you did," he said chuckling.

"oops" I said smiling.

"so Corbyn, tell me about yourself" he suggested and sat next to me on his bed.

"my full name is corbyn matthew besson. i have 2 siblings; ashley and jordan. i love science and space. i can sing and my hair isn't naturally blonde" i said.

"wow i thought it was natural," he said sarcastically and ruffled my hair.

"oh shut up," i said smacking his chest.

"okay okay next question," he said laughing.

daniels pov

i woke up to the sound of giggling from jonah's room.

i got up out of my bed and walked towards his room. i put my ear against the wall so i could listen closer.

"okay okay, next question" jonah said.

who is he talking to?

"when did you discover that you liked boys?" i heard corbyn asked.

why is he with corbyn?

"well i'm still figuring it out but i guess i like what i like," jonah said.

"oh so that means you're pansexual?" corbyn said.

i placed my hand on the doorknob trying to balance myself.

"yeah we-" before i knew it my body came in contact with jonah's carpet.

i groaned and rubbed my head.

"daniel, were you eavesdropping on us?" jonah said smirking remembering our conversation yesterday.

"ummm" i said nervously while scratching the back of my neck.

"well are you gonna say anything?" corbyn asked looking at me annoyed.

"don't look at me like that," i said to corbyn.

"and yes i was eavesdropping," i said while looking at the ground.

"tsk tsk tsk what a shame," jonah said shaking his head.

"oh shut up" i rolled my eyes and turned around walking towards the door.

"daniel wait," jonah said stopping me.

"what?" i said facing him.

"next time you feel lonely just ask to come in you don't have to eavesdrop," he said smirking.

"fuck you" i spat out and went back to my room.

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