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daniel's pov

it's been a week since the whole jonah thing happened and honestly, i'm still flustered. every time i see him i get this weird feeling in my stomach and i hate it.


i really hope i don't have feelings for him because he's my soon to be stepbrother.


i'll just have to ignore this feeling at all costs.

"DANIEL" i flinched and i looked up to see jack.

"what do you want jack?" i asked him.

"i need to talk to you about something," he told me, sitting down at my table.

"okay go ahead,"i said and waited for him to start.

"i want to ask gabbie out but i don't know how to" he confessed.

oh god, why did he have to ask me?

"just tell her how you feel man. if she really likes you she'll say yes" i told him.

"yeah you're right, i'll tell her today," he said smiling and he walked away.

"zach is gonna kill me" i sighed and continued my work.

"why would i kill you?" i jumped as zach sat down in front of me.

shit, my luck is just beautiful

"well i kinda told jack to ask gabbie out" i admitted to him.

"YOU WHAT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" he whisper yelled.

"he needed my help zach I'm sorry," i told him. i put my head down feeling bad.

"no i am i shouldn't have yelled at you," he said sighing and ruffling my hair.

"well what do i do now?" he asked me.

"i honestly don't know zach. jack is all about gabbie right now just give it some time" i advised him.

"okay i guess," he said and walked towards corbyn who was going to the science room.

"hey daniel," jonah said. he was the last person i wanted to see today.

"oh my god can i get a break!" i said throwing my hands in the air.

"woah are you okay?" jonah asked clearly concerned.

"yes i'm fine jonah," i told him.

"no you're not what's wrong?" he asked sitting next to me.

"i'm just trying to finish my work and everyone keeps coming to me for their problems like i'm a god damn therapist" i put my head in my hands.

"oh that's sucks i'm sorry d," he said rubbing my back. it was comforting but i wasn't in the mood.

"ugh stop with that fucking nickname!" i yelled at him and he quickly took his hand off of my back.

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