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jonah opened the door to his room with daniel still wrapped up in his arms. he kicked the door shut with his foot and threw him on the bed.

he kissed all over daniel's neck leaving purple and red marks everywhere. he moaned once jonah found his sweet spot.

jonah took off daniel's shirt and flung it across the room. he then unbuckled daniel's pants and tossed those as well.

he kissed down daniel's body but stopped when he reached the hem of his boxers. daniel looked up at him and a look of concern spread across his face.

"do you think we're rushing into this?" jonahs eyes met daniels and he sighed.

"i don't know, but if you want to stop we can" jonah replied and daniel smiled.

"no i don't i just-, forget i said anything" jonah nodded and continued. he was about to pull down daniel's boxers but the door swung open.

"hey jonah i was wondering if-" corbyn looked up at the scene in front of him. daniel quickly covered his self with jonah's blanket.

"c-corbyn what are you doing here?" jonah asked.

"i was going to ask if you wanted to be my boyfriend but i see you're already taken," corbyn said looking at the two with sad eyes. he turned around and ran out of the room.

"corbyn wait!" jonah said running after the blonde.

daniel felt bad for corbyn because he didn't deserve the pain he was feeling right now. this shouldn't have happened the way it did and it was all daniels fault.

daniel got up from the bed putting his clothes back on and walking to his bedroom. he heard yelling downstairs and he just wanted to forget about everything.

daniel wished that he never gave in to jonah. he blamed himself for all of the drama. he didn't want to have feelings for jonah but it just happened.

he stepped into the shower turning on the water and stepping under washing his guilt away.

jonah's pov

"corbyn please just let me explain!" i ran after him and down the stairs.

he came to a stop and turned around. his face full of tears and his blue eyes now a dull grey.

"explain what? how you led me on? you made me fall in love with you just so you could have sex with daniel behind my back? i actually thought i had found someone for the first time and this happens! you made me happy jonah! this past month has been nothing but amazing for me. i was never given so much attention and the one time i get it, it's snatched away from me. i'm always left out, i'm so tired of everyone treating me like shit! i'm done i can't do this anymore." he screamed at me. he started breathing heavily and before i could reply he ran out of the house.

i never knew he felt like that and i feel horrible. i should've never played with his feelings like that. i sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands. this is all my fault.

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