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jonah's pov

i lightly sucked on daniel's neck and he tugged on my hair making me groan. i pulled away from his neck and kissed him roughly as he played with the buttons of my shirt.

we both stripped completely naked and he pushed me on the bed climbing on top of me. he lowered himself onto my member and began to move his hips.

"uh oh my god, jonah, jonah JONAH!"

"JONAH WAKE UP" daniel yelled in my ear.

i shot up from my bed sweating like crazy. i looked over to see daniel.

"yeah, i'm up what happened," i said while panting.

"our parents are going out for a while and they want us to clean the house," he said smirking as he looked down.

i followed his gaze and saw my boner peeking out of my sweatpants. i immediately began to blush.

"you were moaning my name you know," he said.

"o-oh i was?" this is so fucking embarrassing.

"yup," he said before walking out of my room.

i eventually fixed my problem and headed downstairs.

"they left a list of chores on the table" daniel told me from the kitchen.

i picked up the note.

daniel: wash the dishes
jonah: mop the house
daniel: clean your room
jonah: clean your room
daniel: clean the bathroom
jonah: vacuum the carpets
daniel: clean out the pool
jonah: mow the lawn

you have got to be kidding me.

"so shall we get started?" i ask sighing.

"already ahead of you," he says while washing the dishes.

i grabbed the mop and bucket and got to work.

time skip

i saw daniel cleaning out the pool and i got an idea. i went up behind him and pushed him into the pool. he resurfaced and looked at me with an angry face.

"JONAH. IM GOING TO KILL YOU" he screamed and swam to the stairs of the pool.

i turned around and ran into the house to get away from him.

daniels pov

i grabbed onto the stairs of the pool and pulled myself up. i began chasing jonah into the house.

"get back here," i said. he ran up the stairs and i followed after him. he ran straight to his room and tried to close the door but i stopped him.

i locked the door and slowly walked towards him. i trapped him in the corner of the room and he looked at me scared.

before i could comprehend what was going on he pushed me to the side. he ran for the door and tried to open it but i pulled him by his collar and tackled him to the ground.

i straddled him and began to punch him in the chest. he grabs my wrists flips us around and looks me in the eyes.

"are you done?" he says trying to catch his breath.

"get off of me" i said. i struggled to try to get out of his grip. i finally gave in and stopped moving.

his gaze dropped to my lips and he slowly leaned in. but before he could get any closer to me, i kicked him in the balls and pushed him off of me.

he groaned him pain and i bolted to my room locking the door. i changed out of my wet clothes and layed down on my bed.

ring ring

i pick up my phone and see that zach is calling me.

"hello?" i answered and waited for his response.

"oh hey daniel are you doing anything today?" he asked.

"no not really" i said. i got up from my bed and sat down at my computer.

"well do you wanna come to hang out with me and the boys at doe park?" he offered.

"yeah um sure" i said.

"cool and bring jonah, corbyn keeps asking me to invite him" he said sighing.

"ugh fine," i said before hanging up.

i put on my shoes and i went back to jonah's room. i knocked on his door and told him.

i headed downstairs and waited for him to come down. when he finally did we walked to the park.

soon enough we see the boys playing by the swings. zach is pushing jack on the swings and corbyn is dancing to a random song.

"JONAH" corbyn screams. he runs over to us and jumps into jonah's arms. luckily jonah catches him in time.

"woah hey corbyn" he says a little bit flustered. he sets corbyn down and they make their way over to the swings.

i walk towards jachary and i sit down on one of the swings.

"hey guys," i said looking at them.

"wassup dani" jack says and we do our handshake.

" i'm bored let's do something," zach said.

"okay," i said shrugging my shoulders.

i look over to see jonah and corbyn making out on the bench.

are they dating or something? wait no they can't be jonah almost kissed me earlier. why would he do that if he was dating corbyn? wait why do i care, i don't even like jonah.

"daniel hellooo, earth to daniel," jack said as he waved his hands in front of my face.

"yeah what's up?" i asked.

"you okay there, you kinda zoned out" he asked looking concerned.

"y-yeah I'm fine," i said shaking my head and putting my attention back on jachary.

this is gonna be the longest 2 months of my life

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