1-After the call

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Molly still had the phone in her hands when she sank to her knees, on the kitchen floor. She couldn't believe he would go that far. She was a mess. She cried and cried and cried, still not believing what just happened. Still not knowing if she should believe what he had just said. Still not knowing if she was okay with this. He said the three words she'd been dying to hear from him for years and the worst part is that she didn't even know if it was true. She had her knees pulled to her chest and her head bent down on them, even if no one was with her, she hoped that no one would see her cry. She felt humiliated. Everytime that she thinks about it, it's like a knife goes through her chest. When she couldn't take it anymore, she threw her head back to look up at the ceiling. And then she screamed:

"Why do you keep doing this to me?! What have I done?!"

And then she went back to sobbing, not caring if anyone would hear her cries. She turned her head to see Toby, her cat, slowly walking towards her. When he purred against her, she smiled.


For Sherlock, it wasn't easier. He couldn't help but think about how she must've felt. Or think about how he destroyed her coffin. He couldn't believe that someone could be that twisted to plan something like this. He won't even bare the thought of how she must be right now. He would go and visit her, but he was practically sure she would kick him out after what he'd done. On the other side, he couldn't let her believe her thoughts, whatever they were. He had to do something. He snapped out of thoughts when John called his name.

"Hey mate, are you okay?" he asked. Sherlock couldn't respond. John sighed; "Still thinking about her, are you?". Just when Sherlock looked at him, he knew what was the answer. "Then just run to her. Go and see her to explain what happened.", John told Sherlock. "Okay, but what if-" John cut him off. "What if she kicks you out? What if she's mad? That doesn't matter. It's Molly that we're talking about here, she deserves an explanation and I doubt that she would kick you out if you try and make some efforts." Sherlock looked at him, confused. "And by efforts, you mean-" "Not acting like a total dick." Sherlock looked at the ground and nodded.

When their cabs arrived, Sherlock was debating whether or not he should go to Molly's. He was worried of what would happen in both cases. If he didn't go, John would kick his ass and if he did, he was taking the risk of Molly kicking his. When the driver asked him what was the address, instead of giving 221B Baker Street, he gave him Molly's address.


When he arrived there, Sherlock was so nervous. He was so nervous that his hands were shaking when he approached the door. In Molly's case, she was tossing and turning in bed. She couldn't sleep because the scene was still playing in her head. She would only think about him and he would only think about her. Sherlock shuddered when he lifted his hand to knock on the door, but that's the farthest he could go. He couldn't face her or look at her in the eye after what he did. Molly wanted explanations, she deserved them. Sherlock took a step back and lowered his hand. He couldn't do it. He hopped back in the cab and gave the driver his own address. When Molly finally fell asleep, she was still talking in her sleep. "Please knock..."

A/N: This one is reaaaally short, but it's just to introduce the plot of the story...be prepared for longer chapters.. :)

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