5-Disturbing the peace

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As Sherlock rushed to the living room to grab his cellphone and call Lestrade, John took his phone and called Molly immediately.

No answer. John started to panic. Just a little bit. « Come on Molly, pick up the bloody phone. Don't do this to him...Don't do this to me... »John whispered while calling her again. On the opposite, Lestrade answered his phone almost immediately. « Lestrade. »He said. « I need you to immediately send a team to Molly Hooper's apartment, I have reasons to believe she might be in danger. » Sherlock ordered. « What's the matter, Sherlock? »Lestrade asked, confused. « Just do it, Greg. Please. »Sherlock pleaded. Lestrade remained silent for a few seconds. « Alright, hang in there. I'm sending a team right away and I'm coming to Baker Street. » he said before Sherlock cut him off. « No meet me at Molly's... » he said. « But you just said... » Lestrade tried to explain. « That's right, I'm part of the team that's going over there... » Sherlock said sternly. « You better be right Sherlock... » the DI responded before hanging up. Sherlock sighed, letting himself fall onto his chair and running his hands through his hair. Still no answer from Molly, John grabbed his coat and handed Sherlock his. The Game Is On.

In Molly's apartment, everything was quiet. The TV was still playing, the curtains danced with the wind in front of the living room's open window. Molly was asleep on her couch, wearing Sherlock's dressing gown and her cat laying by her side. Her empty cup of tea resting on the coffee table. Her breathing was steady, calm, peaceful. She cried herself to sleep, you can tell it because of the tissues that were scattered around the couch and the coffee table. She also had one that remained in her hand. The apartment was peaceful until the backdoor opened and someone slithered into the house, just like a snake waiting for his prey to steady itself before devouring it. The masked intruder closed the door cautiously, to not make any noise. A sleepy Molly shifted on the couch to notice that the TV was still on. She sat up and turned the TV off, grabbed her mug to put it in the sink. She got up and as she started walking towards the kitchen, she saw the intruder and slammed the mug on his head, screaming for help. The intruder was quicker, tougher than she thought and grabbed her arm swiftly to turn her around so her back was facing him.

« Sherlock! Help! Someone help me!! » Molly shouted before the intruder slammed a chloroform filled tissue on her nose and mouth. Molly continued to scream through his hand, but soon enough, fell limp into his arms.

The man looked closely at Molly, smiling through his mask, inhaling her scent. He spoke to himself: « Oh...We're going to have so much fun together. You have no idea what awaits for you. For him. » he whispered the last words while caressing Molly's face. When he heard hard knocks on the door and Sherlock yelling Molly's name, he carried Molly on his shoulder, out of the apartment by taking the backdoor. He laid Molly's body on the backseat of his car and drove away. By the time the team got into the flat, the intruder had already left.

Sherlock busted into the apartment, frantically looking for his friend. « Molly?! », he kept screaming, hoping she'd answer.

John followed behind him, noticing fragments of the broken mug and blood on the floor. John showed Lestrade, who ordered the team to take samples of those to analyze them. Sherlock was still looking for Molly in every room of the apartment, yelling her name. « Molly!...Are you here?! MOLLY! » John cut him off: « Sherlock, stop! She's not here.... »He said, sadly. Sherlock couldn't believe what happened. The detective snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed all of clues the living room had. « Moriarty took her.... »Sherlock whispered, anxious. Lestrade couldn't believe it. « Moriarty?! How can it be Moriarty? Again! »He shouted that last part. John took his phone out and showed the DI a picture of the bathroom door. Lestrade let out a strand of curse words and ran his hands through his hair, not knowing how to handle this.

The mug, the blood, but most importantly the cameras Eurus had installed for The Final Problem. He let out a small chuckle of relief when he noticed they were still there and recording. « Alright, I want every inch of this flat searched thoroughly. I want all the evidence possible, there's also the videos from these cameras that I want- » Lestrade ordered.

Sherlock cut him off. « That I want... » he told him, pointing at himself and extending his hand. John intervened: « If somebody should have those...it's him...Let him watch... ». Lestrade hesitated for a minute, but eventually gave in.

Once the searching of the flat was done, everybody went home to get some sleep so the investigation would continue in the morning, with everybody rested. John went straight to bed, exhausted from this crazy evening. As for Sherlock, he couldn't stop thinking about what was on those videos. He debated whether he should watch those alone or if he'd rather watch them with John. He tossed and turned in bed for what seemed like two hours. His alarm clocked showed 2:00 AM. Somebody took his Molly and he was about to find out who.

He jumped out of bed, went to the bathroom to get his dressing gown, which he remembered Molly has in her possession, now. He dragged his feet to the living room, staring at the damn USB drive that contained Molly's kidnapper. He never felt so anxious, it made his stomach turn. He opened his laptop, took the USB drive in his large hands, examining it, twirling it between his fingers, debating if he should watch. If he really wanted to see what he's about to witness. He just brushed most of those feelings away and put the USB drive into the laptop and pressed play on the video. At first, he saw Molly sleeping on her couch, wearing his dressing gown with pyjamas underneath it. A black T-Shirt with black shorts.

« God she's beautiful... »he muttered to himself, a small smile crawling onto his lips. He watched her sleeping peacefully, until he noticed something moving in the background. His smile vanished as soon as he saw the quite tall silhouette with a mask on. The man got caught off guard when Molly shifted in her sleep and woke up to turn the TV off. As she got up to put her mug in the sink, then Sherlock saw it all happen. He watched Molly get drugged before his eyes and fall limp into the intruder's arms. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and his hands under his chin in prayer. His attention drifted towards his phone when it started ringing. It was Lestrade. Sherlock picked up and Lestrade said with a voice filled with sorrow. « We've got the results from the lab...It's him, we've got a match. Don't know how, but we have one. » Sherlock hung up immediately and waited for John to go on with the case. He couldn't handle this case alone. Moriarty had striked again.

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