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A couple days later, Sherlock and John were sitting in the living room. John was on his laptop, checking for a new case, while Sherlock was playing with Rosie. Sherlock didn't have any kind of experience with kids...or humans in general, but with Rosie it was different. She couldn't insult him or bother him or even hurt him. She was defenseless and in admiration towards Sherlock. She couldn't help but giggle when he brushed his nose against hers or her cheek. She would wrap her entire hand around one of his fingers or stare into his blue eyes for a while. Sherlock liked her as much as she liked him. Rosie was giggling when John spoke to Sherlock, even though he wasn't paying attention to him.

"Hey, Sherlock?" he asked. "Hmm?..."said Sherlock. John took a deep breath and said; "How did it go with Molly?". Sherlock, not being clever enough for once in his life, answered; "What? When was I supposed to- OH!". John astonished, closed his laptop to look at Sherlock. "You still haven't talked to her, have you?" he asked in disbelief. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. You'll never know." he said, shrugging his shoulders. "SHERLOCK!" John yelled. Sherlock whipped his head back towards his friend, knowing perfectly that he was mad at him for lying, but also for being a total jerk about what happened. John whispered angrily; "Now, Molly is supposed to come here and keep an eye on Rosie for the day, okay? When we come back here, I'll take Rosie home and you will tell Molly to stay here so you can explain everything. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Understood?". Sherlock nodded his head slowly. He never saw John that mad. He doesn't know if he will be capable of telling Molly the truth, he doesn't know what will be her reaction, if she will forgive like she always does or if she erases him for her life completely out of anger and sadness.

When Molly arrived, they couldn't even look at each other. John glared at Sherlock as they exited the flat.


After a long day wandering around the streets of London, solving crimes, Sherlock and John arrived back to the flat to find Molly and Rosie asleep on the couch. After all, it was late. Sherlock couldn't help but notice Molly's face. She looked so peaceful with Rosie by her side, but she was especially beautiful. John went in his old room to pack his and Rosie's stuff so they can leave. Sherlock approached the couch slowly and kneeled beside it. He slid his hand up and down Molly's arm to wake her up. She slowly opened her eyes and gave Sherlock a sad smile. Rosie was still in her arms when she got up the couch, walking past Sherlock to put Rosie in her father's arms. John and Molly were talking when Sherlock thought about how he was going to tell her. She had to know, she deserved to know. John walked past the door as Sherlock turned his head towards Molly.

"Molly, I-I need to talk to you..."he asked

Molly sighed.

"Can it wait until tomorrow, Sherlock? I'm tired." she said while putting her coat on.

He grabbed one of her wrists swiftly.

"Please Molly. I need to get this off my chest.."he pleaded

Molly stared at him for a while.

"O-okay then...What do you want to tell me?" she said, sitting down on the couch she was previously laying on.

Sherlock took a deep breath and started to tell her the whole story. About Eurus, Redbeard, Emotional context and her.

"...and she gave me 3 minutes to make you say the three words...", she nodded in understanding. Sherlock continued;" she had prepared everything with Moriarty. It took them only 5 minutes together to do this to us. When her little game with you and me was done, I smashed the coffin that was in the middle of the room. I couldn't take it anymore." He said these last words while looking at her. He was pleading for her forgiveness. As for her, she looked at him helplessly. She felt sorry for him and wasn't even mad at him, she simply couldn't be. Sherlock scooted closer to her and took her small, fine hands in his big ones, looking at her in the eye.

"I'm terribly sorry for everything, Molls...I'm so sorry for making you say these words and torturing you on my sister's orders. I-"he couldn't finish his sentence because she shushed him, not wanting to hear him ramble on for something that wasn't even his fault.

Sherlock looked down at his feet, sobbing."It's okay Sherlock. I forgive you."she said, caressing his cheek with one of her hands. He slowly lifted his gaze towards hers and smiled in relief. He opened his arms and hugged her, Molly was surprised at first, but hugged him back. Sherlock couldn't be happier, his friend had forgiven him. Molly, in fact, had another question for him. One last question.

"Sherlock?" she asked as she pulled away. Sherlock looked at her as if he was waiting for her to ask her question. "Did you mean it? What you said back there?" Molly asked, playing with her hands and looking down at her feet. She had butterflies in her stomach. As for Sherlock, his heart sank into the floor. He did mean it, as a friend. He wasn't in love with her. His smiled disappeared when he thought about his answer. Nervous, he got up and walked towards the window only to come back to Molly and knelt down in front of her. Molly smiled until she saw his expression, it was sorrow and sadness mixed up together. She couldn't believe it so she asked the question again.

"Did you mean it, Sherlock?" she asked a second time. "Please don't make me do this..."he pleaded. "Say it...please. Sherlock...."she begged with tears running down her rosy cheeks. He still didn't answer. Molly nodded her head and got up the couch, to be stopped by Sherlock, who immediately stood up, begging her not to go. "Please Molly, don't-" "Let me go, Sherlock." He still wouldn't move. He felt like he wanted to die, like everything around him was being torn apart right under his eyes and he couldn't do nothing about it. For a moment, he could've sworn he heard Mycroft say to him: "Don't get involved.". Unfortunately, it was too late for him. He was more involved than ever. "Sherlock, did you really mean it?" she said, more serious than Sherlock ever saw her. He did the one mistake, he was just being Sherlock. "I said this for the sole purpose of saving a friend and my own being. You know I would never develop romantic feelings for you." he said, genuinely believing this was the right thing to do. Molly's eyes widened, insulted and her fist flew right into his face. Sherlock was on the ground, holding his jaw with a confused expression on his face as he glanced at her. Molly walked past him and stormed out of the apartment. For Sherlock, it was too late for her to hear him as he was saying: "Please, Molly. Please."

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