Chapter Five: Submission

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Silence resonated throughout the room and not much space stood between Dartha and Thranduil anymore. "I said I will betroth myself to your son," the princess repeated when Thranduil made no response. He looked down his nose at her suspiciously, "I am not hard of hearing..." He circled her in silence before coming around to question her, "What caused you to change your stance?" She had held her nerve when he encircled her, but she found herself not knowing how to react when he demanded her answer. She opened her mouth, but no words formed. "Er---", a small puff of breath left her lips before Thranduil came with his own conclusion, "Could it be that you have finally learned to be submissive?" he said as he looked at her through jaded eyes. The princess was only able to look back at him until she was forced to react when he held out his hand. A commotion behind her was created when Barathon got up from his chair, "Thranduil.." he began, but did not finish. He then witnessed his daughter lower herself unto her knees and take a hold of Thranduil's jeweled hand. She proceeded to kiss the rings he wore on his fingers, earning a satisfied smirk from the lord of Mirkwood. Through quivering breaths, Dartha professed, "It is best that I accept my fate than to put myself through misery trying to fight it". Her eyes glistened as she held herself together long enough before the king, "I pray Legolas has this realization as well." Thranduil withdrew his hand from her hold and raised it in Barathon's direction. The king of Harlond grew angry in disbelieve, "I will not kiss your rings!" Thranduil rolled his eyes before he turned his back to leave the room, "Continue to put yourself through misery by fighting me". Dartha remained on her knees until she was certain Thranduil wasn't going to return. When the door remain unmoved long enough, she took that as confirmation. "Curse the day that he was begotten!" Barathon spat as he helped his daughter rise to her feet.

Legolas sat at the table by himself, rolling his thoughts around. His head remained low as he minced and tossed the food on his plate with his cutlery. Using the end of his knife, he lifted a portion of his potato and brought it to his mouth just as someone sat down across from him. With full cheeks he raised his eyes and pared opposite the table at the newcomer. "You're wife has proven to be no fool, but I am afraid I can not say the same about her father," Thranduil waited for his son's response. Legolas sighed heavy through his nostrils, a scrawl went over his face as he swallowed down his food. Thranduil wore an expression of someone who thought himself hilarious, meanwhile the princes continued to be speechless. Silenced passed them as Legolas cut away at his food fiercely and forced several pieces into his mouth in anger. "I can see that you can not contain yourself," his fathered teased with a flip of his wrist. Legolas threw his silverware down unto his plate in disgust, "Ada, why do you torment me?" Looking completely offended, Thranduil allowed his mouth to fall agape, "Torment?" he frowned, "Am I so horrid? I'm looking out for you Legolas! You're well over 600 years old and still not married, what have you been doing with your years?" Legolas slapped his hands unto the table and stood up from his chair, "I just got back from war!" King Thranduil mimicked his actions in slamming the table and stood, "No one sent you to fight! It was never your task to be the hero of other races!"

The prince's jaw tightened as he stared back at his father. "Your duties lay in Mirkwood," shouted Thranduil as his eyes set like piercing daggers. "You are bound to the Elf race!" he stabbed. A vein appeared on his forehead as he continued to scream, "You are to be committed to this kingdom!" he did not fail to assert himself as a vein grew on his neck to match the one above his brow, "And you will be shackled to the wife I have chosen for you!" Legolas closed his eyes in fiery anger in the face of his king before Thranduil, looking up, fluttering his eyes with a frustrated sigh. Calming down, he finished his thought by saying, "It is best that you accept your fate than to put yourself through misery trying to fight it". Legolas took a deep breath and as his lungs emptied he opened his eyes, "How then should I prepare my betrothal vows?"

Thranduil, seeing his victory, smirked as he placed his hand on his son's shoulder, "I am glad we are finanlly seeing eye to eye". Legolas felt uncomfortable under his father's touch but did not move from underneath as Thranduil rattled on about ceremony plans. "Barathon will be officiating it as it will take place in Harlond in a month's time. Then three days after, you and Dartha will depart on your year long journey over Middle Earth, visiting the various Elf kingdoms, celebrating and promoting your engagement... I will probably stay some days in Harlond after you have left, just to survey the inheritance coming to Mirkwood." He continued to daydream about everything as he picked the goblet off the table and took a swing of whatever Legolas had within it. With his face gone sour, he put down the drinkware, "We will have better wine than this at the celebration". 

Without any warning his voice got hushed, "Are you aware that her inhertance has increased now that she has lost a brother? She is more valuable to us than before!" Legolas discerned something foul in his father's whisper and not wanting to hear it any longer, he tried to leave. But Thranduil drew him back. He pulled the prince close and tickled his ear with something that had been sitting on his mind for a while, "She only has but five brothers left". He closed his eyes in make-believe before departing the room, leaving Legolas to guess what he imagined. 

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