Chapter Seventeen: War of Another Ring

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Signs of a harsh winter were beginning to show, for it had been snowing relentlessly for three days. In addition to the snowfall days, several days had passed since the disastrous meeting with Elrond, yet nothing seemed to be resolved. The anguish of the prince and princess's feud could still be seen on Legolas' face and in his actions, whereas Dartha had not made an appearance since that night. It was the ill spirit of negativity which silenced the halls and filled the air of the palace that compelled lord Elrond to command that they come together for dinner---Dartha was to no longer hide herself away in her bedroom. Elrond was seated at the head of the dining table and his sons were seated across form each other on both his sides. Legolas sat next to Elladan, across the empty chair that was intended for Dartha. The cooks and servers had laid out every dish they had prepared and it brought a little life to the room to see all the delicious food that was to be consumed. In his anticipation, Elrond had asked earlier for one of his finer wine barrels to be chilled outside in the snow, "Elrohir go help bring inside the wine". In obedience, his son stood from his seat and departed to put his strength to use.

Coincidentally after Elrohir left, Tauriel, who was not going to be dining with them, entered the room to inform the king that Dartha was not coming down to dinner. She had been asked to retrieve the princess several minutes ago while the table waited. A scrawl came unto Elrond's face, "This is unacceptable". Tauriel looked defeated, "I knocked on her door and waited outside but she refused to open up or even speak," her glance fell unto Legolas before she continued, "Perhaps you need to go up there". She had been berating Legolas for not doing anything about the princess, that as of lately there came to be a consistent amount of sting in her words whenever she addressed him. Elrond raised his hand to Tauriel to signal the end of all animosity before he stood up from the table. His gesture provoked Legolas and Elladan to stand up after him and they all proceeded out of the room for Dartha's bed chamber.

Legolas felt all their eyes on him as they stood several feet down the hall, waiting for him to knock on Dartha's door. He quickly came to terms that he could no longer avoid resolving things with the princess as his bare knuckles came in contact with the heavy wood that separated her from him. "Dartha?" He had knocked ever so slightly, afraid of the uncertain future, "Everyone is waiting for you". He turned his head to look at the company that came up there with him. Elladan seemed to be holding a suspenseful breath while Tauril and Elrond appeared to be saying the same thing with their eyes---'You', Legolas. You are waiting for her. He looked back to the door before resting his forehead against it, "I am waiting for you, Dartha". Legolas knocked once more before laying his hand flat against the wood, "Come out and have dinner with me---please?" He received no response from the other side, which lead him to turn around once more. He looked over the faces of Elrond and Elladan and wanted to give up, but when he saw the soft look on Tauriel's countenance, he recalled what she had told him about listening to his heart.

Legolas closed his eyes and took in a deep breath that crushed what was left of his pride, "I am sorry that I said there was no hope," he placed his hand on the door handle and felt the cold metal against the flesh of his palm, "There has always been hope, because from the beginning I have chosen you". As he admitted that truth and forgave Dartha in his heart, he felt a thousand weights lifts off his shoulders, "Can I come in?" He allowed himself to press down on the handle and to his surprise, the door had been unlocked all along. Legolas pushed the door against its hinges and exposed the empty room. He took a step inside and felt that the room was colder than normal, revealing that there hadn't been life within those walls for a number of days.

They returned downstairs to the dining room after finding no sign of the princess. Elrohir and the group of servants that were sent out to retrieve the wine barrel had barely just returned inside when lord Elrond called for a search, "Son, the princess is nowhere to be found". Tauriel, Elladan, and many of the palace staff took to looking for Dartha throughout the halls high and low. Legolas was left sitting at the table in a daze before Elrohir set some things in front of him. When Legolas realized what had been set before him, he was overcome by fear. "When we went outside to dig up the wine, we had the wrong spot a number of times before we found the barrel", Elrohir addressed both his father and Legolas, "We uncovered these flint stones and what appears to be the remains of some type of map". Legolas grabbed the torched pieces of Dartha's map, which she had attempted to thoroughly burn, and shot up from his seat on the brink of tears, "She is trying to return to Harlond, but she will not survive the winter storm!"

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