Chapter 6

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Before I knew it, soft lips crashed against mine. I remained motionless as my brain processed what was happening, I tried to pull away from Harrys grasp but his lips pressed hard against my frozen mouth. I could taste the alcohol in my mouth as he stuck his tongue down my throat.

"Harry, don't. Please stop." I pushed him away with more force this time, I refused to be forced to do anything EVER again.

"Babe, c'mon. I know you want me. Everyone wants me. Let's go in the bedroom upstairs." His words slurred. He grabbed my hand and I refused, still sitting on the lawn. He kicked the ground, "Fine, fuck you." He wobbled off. I watched him walk away, I scowled. What a dick, I thought to myself. Maybe this is what he needs help with, to realize he can't get everything he wants because he is a popstar. He probably has girls throwing themselves at him 24/7, well as attractive as I thought he was there was no way I was agreeing to do anything with him, I wasn't that type of person. I felt like I had failed my part with Harry though, what if he hated me? I sat on the grass thinking about what I was going to do. Someone left a unopened beer can beside me, it must have been Harrys. I chugged it. Everything started getting brighter and more fuzzy. I started laughing, and I couldn't stop. I noticed someone with light hair walk towards me, I couldn't make out who it was even when he was 5 feet in front of me. The alcohol took control of my body.

***Niall's POV***

I walked towards Cassie, she was lying on the lawn and looked extremely out of it. Her purple dress fit her perfectly, showing off her huge boobs. She was wearing a neckless with a lock on it, and I wondered where it was from. She sat up as I walked towards her and she had a confused look on her face. I took a seat next to her, "Hey Cas, I saw you and Harry fighting. What happened?" I asked her. She smiled, it showed her dimples on her tanned and perfect face.

"He tried to make out with me." She stated. I felt anger rush inside my body, why did Harry always have to ruin things with everybody? Harry has meaningless sex all the time, and it was started to bother me. He always laughed at me when girls perferred him opossed to me, and called me names. We used to be really close, but ever since his girlfriend died he went against everyone. He went against himself, and the media ruined him. He was a mess, and no matter how much I tried to help him he always threatened to punch me. I felt bad for Cassie, she seemed upset. I could tell she had had too much to drink.

"Look, Harry is going through a hard time, his girlfriend died two months ago. A group of our fans beat her to death because they thought she was using Harry. It tore him apart, now he drinks every night and only ever talks to Louis. I can't apologize on behalf of what he did, but I am sorry. I'm going to get Liam to drive us home, you've had too much to drink. And I can't let Paul get mad at me for getting our intern drunk." I laughed, she smiled again and my heart melted. What was it about this girl? Had anyone else noticed besides me? I continued to think who she reminded me of, but nothing came into my head. While thinking I realized she had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Her long brown hair made her way down my chest, I moved it out of the way as I picked her up and carried her to the car. I found Liam, begged him to drive her home.

When we got to her small building with cracks on the foundation, I searched her purse for her keys. I couldn't help but look at a picture that was beside her keys. It was a picture of her, a child, and an older woman who looked sick. I wondered if this was her mom and her brother? I felt like I was crossing her private life so I put it back. I carried her into her house and lied her down on the bed. I took off her shoes and threw the covers over her body. I was about to turn to leave when I saw the bloody scissors on the floor beside her bed, my heart filled with worry. What if she woke up and hurt herself? I pondered whether I should leave, or stay. Before I could make up my mind I heard a sniffle, Cassie was starting to wake up. I waited for her to say something, but she started to cry. I rushed to her bedside and put my hand on her cheek, "Shhh Cassie, I'm here. It's Niall. Your okay. Just try and go back to sleep." She kept crying, she looked up at me and the tears were streaming down her face. It broke my heart.

"Can you lie down with me Niall, please? I don't want to be alone." I nodded and smiled. No one has ever asked me to do something like this, it made me feel special. I texted Liam saying I was taking care of her and I would call him later. I took off my shoes and climbed on top of the covers beside her and held her hand. She turned to face me, we looked in each others eyes. I couldn't help myself.

"You're so beautiful, Cas." I said and I blushed. Hopefully she wouldn't remember that in the morning. Tears were still streaming down her face. I had an idea, it always helped me when I was sad. I sat up, "Love, what's your favorite song?" I asked. She looked up, "She Will Be Loved." I started singing as soon as she said it. She smiled and cried into my shoulder. When I was done she looked up, "You sound like an angel Niall, don't ever stop singing." I felt tears in my eyes. I kissed her temple, I needed to ask her something.

"Cassie, what happened to your parents, I noticed no one else lives here." I was surprised when she didn't cry. She sat up, looked me in the eyes, and told me her life story.

When she was done, all I could do was hold her. I had never felt so close to someone, and I hoped one day I could have the courage to tell her my story. I cried, she cried, we fell asleep in each others arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2012 ⏰

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