Chapter 3

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I felt the nerves get the best of me as Paul informed me I would be meeting Harry first. The insanely attractive curly haired tanned boy, great. I have a bunch of guy friends working back at the diner, but this felt different, I felt pressured. What if he didn't like me? What if they all hated me? Paul kepted talking about how the story was that I was there for learning experience because I wanted to be a music manager/songwriter, which I was; on a personal level.

Paul let out a sigh and opened the door and motioned me to step inside. I looked around the messy room, it was a NICE room, it looked very expensive. Everything was white, with weird shaped modern art. I looked around the corner of the hallway and spotted someone lying on the floor, passed out. Then the smell of alcohol hit me, and it immidetially reminded me of my past: I pushed out the thoughts as fast as I could. Paul and I walked over to the limp, curly haired boy on the ground, I placed my hand on Harry Styles's back and nudged him until he woke up. He growled and moaned like he was a kid who didn't want to wake up for school, "Why the hell do I have to be up so early?! Everyone get the fuck out of my room!" He yelled at us without even looking to see what it is. Paul looked at me to take charge, I pushed the nervousness away. "Hi Harry, I'm Cassie. Nice to finally meet you." He still didn't look up. Paul interveened, "Harry, get up. You have work to do, you are going to show Cassie around the offices, she's going to be here for a while. You two get to know eachother, I have to go." Paul thanked me and left the room. I figured Harry wasn't going to budge anytime soon so I sat down on the floor behind Harry and pulled out my guitar and started strumming and sang Fall by Ed Sheeran. When I finished I felt a pair of eyes on me, I looked to see Harry starring at me with a weird expression on his face that I couldn't read. I felt myself blush, I always zone out when I'm singing; it could have been hours, for all I know.

"Wow, you've got some talent new girl." Harry said, he looked dazed, "for a girl." he added.

"Yeah, and I bet you have a massive hangover for a young boy." I laughed back. I got up and walked towards his kitchen, I opened cupboards looking for advil. Jackpot, found it. I handed it to him, "Trust me, you'll feel better. I've had experience." I laughed. As he walked around in front of me I got to intake all of his features, he was goddamn beautiful. I felt overwhelmed and suddenly self concious, I looked to the floor.

"I know why you're here." Harry said, and he sounded angry. I caught him checking me out, but when we made eye contact he looked away quickly, as if embarrassed. I smiled, "And why am I here if you're so smart, Styles?" I tried to act like we were old time friends, so it wasn't awkward. "Everyone thinks I'm uhmm, fucking up, or something , and I need a babysitter or something." He talked slow. He seemed really shy all of a sudden. I laughed, "Trust me, if anyone is going to be doing the babysitting, it's you." That seemed to ease him a little, I couldn't help looking into his eyes, he was so interesting.

***Harry's perspective***

My head was still spinning, I wondered if the stripper was still passed out in my room. I wondered how I had woken up with my cloths on. I ignored the voices I recognized as Paul and some random. Until I heard the most delicate thing ever, someone was singing my favorite song, and it sounded incredible. I wanted to turn and see who it was, but I didn't want to seem like I cared. But after a couple minutes I had to see who owned this beautiful voice was, I turned around and felt my heart race.


"And why would I need to babysit you?" I started taking insterest in this girl, she was perfect. I inspected her features as she was turned away, she was so beautiful. I couldn't help but notice faint scars on her arms, and wondered what it was from. I felt the bulge in my pants grow bigger, there was no way this girl was turning me on by just walking in front of me, this had never happened before.

"I'm kind of crazy. You've been warned." She laughed. Man, she had a cute laugh. "Alright, then tell me a bit about yourself...C....." I started to panic, what the fuck was her name?!

"Cassie Holmes, nice to meet you again...uhmm...Harry..?" Was she being serious? she looked serious. "Styles." I finished for her, "Excuse me." I ran to the bathroom and puked into the toilet, I felt so embarrassed. I normally didn't give a shit what people thought about me anymore, but she was different, I wanted to impress her, and I wasn't off to a good start. The bulge in my pants got harder the more I thought about her standing in my kitchen. Fuck, I thought. I threw up again.

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